fit_model {disaggregation}R Documentation

Fit the disaggregation model


fit_model function takes a disag_data object created by prepare_data and performs a Bayesian disaggregation fit.


  priors = NULL,
  family = "gaussian",
  link = "identity",
  iterations = 100,
  field = TRUE,
  iid = TRUE,
  hess_control_parscale = NULL,
  hess_control_ndeps = 1e-04,
  silent = TRUE

  priors = NULL,
  family = "gaussian",
  link = "identity",
  iterations = 100,
  field = TRUE,
  iid = TRUE,
  hess_control_parscale = NULL,
  hess_control_ndeps = 1e-04,
  silent = TRUE



disag_data object returned by prepare_data function that contains all the necessary objects for the model fitting


list of prior values


likelihood function: gaussian, binomial or poisson


link function: logit, log or identity


number of iterations to run the optimisation for


logical. Flag the spatial field on or off


logical. Flag the iid effect on or off


Argument to scale parameters during the calculation of the Hessian. Must be the same length as the number of parameters. See optimHess for details.


Argument to control step sizes during the calculation of the Hessian. Either length 1 (same step size applied to all parameters) or the same length as the number of parameters. Default is 1e-3, try setting a smaller value if you get NaNs in the standard error of the parameters. See optimHess for details.


logical. Suppress verbose output.


The model definition

The disaggregation model makes predictions at the pixel level:

link(predi)=β0+βX+GP(si)+uilink(pred_i) = \beta_0 + \beta X + GP(s_i) + u_i

And then aggregates these predictions to the polygon level using the weighted sum (via the aggregation raster, aggiagg_i):

casesj=iϵjpredi×aggicases_j = \sum_{i \epsilon j} pred_i \times agg_i

ratej=iϵjpredi×aggiiϵjaggirate_j = \frac{\sum_{i \epsilon j} pred_i \times agg_i}{\sum_{i \epsilon j} agg_i}

The different likelihood correspond to slightly different models (yjy_j is the response count data):

Specify priors for the regression parameters, field and iid effect as a single list. Hyperpriors for the field are given as penalised complexity priors you specify ρmin\rho_{min} and ρprob\rho_{prob} for the range of the field where P(ρ<ρmin)=ρprobP(\rho < \rho_{min}) = \rho_{prob}, and σmin\sigma_{min} and σprob\sigma_{prob} for the variation of the field where P(σ>σmin)=σprobP(\sigma > \sigma_{min}) = \sigma_{prob}. Also, specify pc priors for the iid effect

The family and link arguments are used to specify the likelihood and link function respectively. The likelihood function can be one of gaussian, poisson or binomial. The link function can be one of logit, log or identity. These are specified as strings.

The field and iid effect can be turned on or off via the field and iid logical flags. Both are default TRUE.

The iterations argument specifies the maximum number of iterations the model can run for to find an optimal point.

The silent argument can be used to publish/suppress verbose output. Default TRUE.


A list is returned of class disag_model. The functions summary, print and plot can be used on disag_model. The list of class disag_model contains:


The TMB model object returned by MakeADFun.


The optimized model object returned by nlminb.


The TMB object returned by sdreport.


The disag_data object used as an input to the model.


A list of information on the model setup. Likelihood function (family), link function(link), logical: whether a field was used (field) and logical: whether an iid effect was used (iid).


Nanda et al. (2023) disaggregation: An R Package for Bayesian Spatial Disaggregation Modeling. <doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i11>


## Not run: 
polygons <- list()
n_polygon_per_side <- 10
n_polygons <- n_polygon_per_side * n_polygon_per_side
n_pixels_per_side <- n_polygon_per_side * 2

for(i in 1:n_polygons) {
  row <- ceiling(i/n_polygon_per_side)
  col <- ifelse(i %% n_polygon_per_side != 0, i %% n_polygon_per_side, n_polygon_per_side)
  xmin = 2*(col - 1); xmax = 2*col; ymin = 2*(row - 1); ymax = 2*row
  polygons[[i]] <- list(cbind(c(xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin),
                              c(ymax, ymax, ymin, ymin, ymax)))

polys <- lapply(polygons,sf::st_polygon)
N <- floor(runif(n_polygons, min = 1, max = 100))
response_df <- data.frame(area_id = 1:n_polygons, response = runif(n_polygons, min = 0, max = 1000))

spdf <- sf::st_sf(response_df, geometry = polys)

# Create raster stack
r <- terra::rast(ncol=n_pixels_per_side, nrow=n_pixels_per_side)
terra::ext(r) <- terra::ext(spdf)
r[] <- sapply(1:terra::ncell(r), function(x){
rnorm(1, ifelse(x %% n_pixels_per_side != 0, x %% n_pixels_per_side, n_pixels_per_side), 3))}
r2 <- terra::rast(ncol=n_pixels_per_side, nrow=n_pixels_per_side)
terra::ext(r2) <- terra::ext(spdf)
r2[] <- sapply(1:terra::ncell(r), function(x) rnorm(1, ceiling(x/n_pixels_per_side), 3))
cov_stack <- c(r, r2)
names(cov_stack) <- c('layer1', 'layer2')

test_data <- prepare_data(polygon_shapefile = spdf,
                          covariate_rasters = cov_stack)

 result <- fit_model(test_data, iterations = 2)
## End(Not run)

[Package disaggregation version 0.3.0 Index]