get_distance_matrix_from_T {diffudist}R Documentation

Diffusion distance matrix from a custom transition matrix


Returns a matrix where each entry encodes the diffusion distance between two nodes of a network, given a transition matrix on the network and a diffusion time.

The diffusion distance at time τ\tau between nodes i,jGi, j \in G is defined as

Dτ(i,j)=p(ti)p(tj)2D_{\tau}(i, j) = \vert \mathbf{p}(t|i) - \mathbf{p}(t|j) \vert_2

with p(ti)=(eτL)i=eieτL\mathbf{p}(t|i) = (e^{- \tau L})_{i\cdot} = \mathbf{e}_i e^{- \tau L} indicating the i-th row of the stochastic matrix eτLe^{- \tau L} and representing the probability (row) vector of a random walk dynamics corresponding to the initial condition ei\mathbf{e}_i, i.e. the random walker is in node ii at time τ=0\tau = 0 with probability 1.

The Laplacian LL is the normalised laplacian corresponding to the given transition matrix, i.e. L=IPiL = I - Pi.


get_distance_matrix_from_T(Pi, tau, verbose = TRUE)

get_DDM_from_T(Pi, tau, verbose = TRUE)

get_distance_matrix_from_Pi(Pi, tau, verbose = TRUE)

get_DDM_from_Pi(Pi, tau, verbose = TRUE)



a transition matrix (it should be a stochastic matrix)


diffusion time


default TRUE


The diffusion distance matrix DtD_t, a square numeric matrix of the L2L^2-norm distances between posterior probability vectors, i.e. Euclidean distances between the rows of the stochastic matrix P(t)=eτLP(t) = e^{-\tau L}, where L=(IT)-L = -(I - T) is the generator of the continuous-time random walk (Markov chain) corresponding to the discrete-time transition matrix T=T=Pi.


De Domenico, M. (2017). Diffusion Geometry Unravels the Emergence of Functional Clusters in Collective Phenomena. Physical Review Letters. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.168301

Bertagnolli, G., & De Domenico, M. (2021). Diffusion geometry of multiplex and interdependent systems. Physical Review E, 103(4), 042301. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.103.042301 arXiv: 2006.13032

See Also

get_distance_matrix get_diffusion_probability_matrix, get_diffusion_probability_matrix_from_T


g <- igraph::sample_pa(10, directed = FALSE)
dm <- get_distance_matrix(g, tau = 1)

[Package diffudist version 1.0.1 Index]