dexter-package {dexter} | R Documentation |
Dexter: data analyses for educational and psychological tests.
Dexter provides a comprehensive solution for managing and analyzing educational test data.
The main features are:
project databases providing a structure for storing data about persons, items, responses and booklets.
methods to assess data quality using Classical test theory and plots.
CML calibration of the extended nominal response model and interaction model.
To learn more about dexter, start with the vignettes: 'browseVignettes(package="dexter")'
Dexter uses the following global options
'dexter.use_tibble' return tibbles instead of data.frames, defaults to FALSE
'dexter.progress' show progress bars, defaults to TRUE in interactive sessions
'dexter.max_cores' set a maximum number of cores that dexter will use, defaults to the minimum of 'Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT")' and 'getOption("Ncpus")', otherwise unlimited.
Maintainer: Jesse Koops
Gunter Maris
Timo Bechger
Ivailo Partchev
See Also
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