Data Management and Analysis of Tests

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Documentation for package ‘dexter’ version 1.4.2

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dexter-package Dexter: data analyses for educational and psychological tests.
ability Estimate abilities
ability_tables Estimate abilities
add_booklet Add response data to a project
add_item_properties Add item properties to a project
add_person_properties Add person properties to a project
add_response_data Add response data to a project
close_project Close a project
coef.p2pass extract equating information
coef.prms extract enorm item parameters
coef.sts_par Standard setting
design_info Information about the design
dexter Dexter: data analyses for educational and psychological tests.
DIF Exploratory test for Differential Item Functioning
distractor_plot Distractor plot
expected_score Functions of theta
fit_domains Estimate the Rasch and the Interaction model per domain
fit_enorm Fit the extended nominal response model
fit_inter Estimate the Interaction and the Rasch model
get_booklets Booklets entered in a project
get_design Test design
get_items Items in a project
get_persons Persons in a project
get_responses Selecting data
get_resp_data Functions for developers
get_resp_matrix Functions for developers
get_rules Get scoring rules
get_testscores Get test scores
get_variables Variables that are defined in the project
individual_differences Test individual differences
information Functions of theta
keys_to_rules Derive scoring rules from keys
latent_cor Latent correlations
open_project Open an existing project
plausible_scores Draw plausible test scores
plausible_values Draw plausible values
plot.DIF_stats plot method for pairwise DIF statistics
plot.p2pass A plot method for probability_to_pass
plot.prms Plot for the extended nominal Response model
plot.rim A plot method for the interaction model
plot.sts_par Standard setting
probability_to_pass The probability to pass on a reference test given a score on a new booklet
profiles Profile analysis
profile_plot Profile plot
profile_tables Profile analysis
p_score Functions of theta
ratedData Rated data
ratedDataProperties Item properties in the rated data
ratedDataRules Scoring rules for the rated data
read_oplm_par Read item parameters from oplm PAR or CML files
r_score Functions of theta
r_score_IM Simulation from the interaction model
standards_3dc Standard setting
standards_db Export a standard setting database for use by the free 3DC application
start_new_project Start a new project
start_new_project_from_oplm Start a new project from oplm files
tia_tables Simple test-item analysis
touch_rules Add or modify scoring rules
verbAggrData Verbal aggression data
verbAggrProperties Item properties in the verbal aggression data
verbAggrRules Scoring rules for the verbal aggression data