stinner_74 {devRate} | R Documentation |
Stinner et al equation of development rate as a function of temperature.
Stinner, R., Gutierrez, A. & Butler, G. (1974) An algorithm for temperature-dependent growth rate simulation. The Canadian Entomologist, 106, 519-524.
A list of eight elements describing the equation.
- eq
The equation (formula object).
- eqAlt
The equation (string).
- name
The name of the equation.
- ref
The equation reference.
- refShort
The equation reference shortened.
- startVal
The parameters found in the literature with their references.
- com
An optional comment about the equation use.
- id
An id to identify the equation.
rT = \frac{C}{1 + e^{k1 + k2 * T}}
rT = \frac{C}{1 + e^{k1 + k2 * (2 * Topt - T)}}
where rT is the development rate, T the temperature, Topt the optimum temperature, k1 and k2 constants. "[...] the relationship [is] inverted when the temperature is above an optimum [...] T = 2 * Topt - T for T >= Topt." Stinner et al. 1974.