ratkowsky_82 {devRate} | R Documentation |
Ratkowsky equation of development rate as a function of temperature (Shi modification).
Ratkowsky, D.A., Olley, J., McMeekin, T.A., and Ball, A. (1982) Relationship between temperature and growth rate of bacterial cultures. Journal of Bacteriology 149(1): 1-5.
Ratkowsky, D.A., R.K. Lowry, T.A. McMeekin, A.N. Stokes, and R.E. Chandler. 1983. Model for bacterial culture growth rate throughout the entire biokinetic temperature range. Journal of Bacteriology 154: 1222-1226.
Shi, P., Ge, F., Sun, Y., and Chen, C. (2011) A simple model for describing the effect of temperature on insect developmental rate. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14(1): 15-20.
A list of eight elements describing the equation.
- eq
The equation (formula object).
- eqAlt
The equation (string).
- name
The name of the equation.
- ref
The equation reference.
- refShort
The equation reference shortened.
- startVal
The parameters found in the literature with their references.
- com
An optional comment about the equation use.
- id
An id to identify the equation.
where rT is the development rate, T the temperature, T1 and T2 the minimum and maximum temperatures at which rate of growth is zero, sqrt(cc) * k1 the slope of the regression as in the rootsq_82 equation, and k2 a constant. The Ratkowsky model designed for microorganisms has been modified by Shi et al. 2011 to describe the temperature-dependent development rates of insects.