bieri1_83 {devRate} | R Documentation |
Bieri equation 1 of development rate as a function of temperature.
Bieri, M., Baumgartner, J., Bianchi, G., Delucchi, V., Arx, R. von. (1983) Development and fecundity of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) as affected by constant temperatures and by pea varieties. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 56, 163-171.
Kumar, S., and Kontodimas, D.C. (2012). Temperature-dependent development of Phenacoccus solenopsis under laboratory conditions. Entomologia Hellenica, 21, 25-38.
A list of eight elements describing the equation.
- eq
The equation (formula object).
- eqAlt
The equation (string).
- name
The name of the equation.
- ref
The equation reference.
- refShort
The equation reference shortened.
- startVal
The parameters found in the literature with their references.
- com
An optional comment about the equation use.
- id
An id to identify the equation.
where rT is the development rate, T the temperature, Tmin the minimum temperature, and aa, bb, and Tm fitted coefficients.