viterbi {depmixS4} | R Documentation |
Viterbi algorithm for decoding the most likely state sequence
Apply the Viterbi algorithm to compute the maximum a posteriori state sequence
for a mix
or depmix
viterbi(object, na.allow=TRUE)
object |
A |
na.allow |
logical. If TRUE, the density of missing responses is set to
1, similar as in the |
The Viterbi algorithm is used for global decoding of the hidden state
sequence. Global decoding is based on the conditional probability
, and consists of determining,
at each time point
where N is the total number of states.
The Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm that relies on
"delta" probabilities (see Rabiner, 1989), which are defined as the joint
probability of the most likely state sequence ending in state i at time t,
and all the observations up to time t. The implementation here normalizes
these probabilities on a time-point basis, dividing the delta probability
by the sum of the delta probabilities for that time point for all possible states
j (including state i)). The normalized delta probabilities for
each state are returned in columns 2:(nstates(object) + 1)
, whilst
column 1 contains the indices of the maximum a posteriori states.
returns a data.frame
with in the first column
the maximum a posteriori state sequence. This is a vector with integers
corresponding to the index of the most likely hidden states. The remaining
columns contain the normalized "delta" probabilities (see Details).
Maarten Speekenbrink
Lawrence R. Rabiner (1989). A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition. Proceedings of IEEE, 77-2, p. 267-295.
# 2-state model on rt and corr from speed data set
# with Pacc as covariate on the transition matrix
# ntimes is used to specify the lengths of 3 separate series
mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,transition=~Pacc,nstates=2,
fmod <- fit(mod)
# result of viterbi is stored in a depmix-fitted object in slot "posterior"