Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs and Other Distributions in S4

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Documentation for package ‘depmixS4’ version 1.5-0

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depmixS4-package depmixS4 provides classes for specifying and fitting hidden Markov models

-- B --

balance Balance Scale Data
BINOMresponse Response models currently implemented in depmix.

-- C --

confint Parameter standard errors
confint-method Parameter standard errors

-- D --

depmix Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction
depmix-class Class "depmix"
depmix-method Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction
depmix-methods 'depmix' and 'mix' methods. Fit 'depmix' or 'mix' models
depmix.fitted Class "depmix.fitted" (and "depmix.fitted.classLik")
depmix.fitted-class Class "depmix.fitted" (and "depmix.fitted.classLik")
depmix.fitted.classLik Class "depmix.fitted" (and "depmix.fitted.classLik")
depmix.fitted.classLik-class Class "depmix.fitted" (and "depmix.fitted.classLik")
depmix.sim Class "depmix.sim"
depmix.sim-class Class "depmix.sim"
depmixS4 depmixS4 provides classes for specifying and fitting hidden Markov models

-- E --

em.control Control parameters for the EM algorithm

-- F --

fit Fit 'depmix' or 'mix' models
fit-method Fit 'depmix' or 'mix' models
formatperc Format percentage for level in printing confidence interval
forwardbackward Forward and backward variables
forwardbackward-method Forward and backward variables
freepars 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
freepars-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.

-- G --

GAMMAresponse Response models currently implemented in depmix.
getdf Methods for creating depmix response models
getdf-method Methods for creating depmix response models
getdf-method Methods for creating depmix transition and initial probability models
getmodel 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
getmodel-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
getpars 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
getpars-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
GLMresponse Methods for creating depmix response models
GLMresponse-class Class "GLMresponse" and class "transInit"
GLMresponse-method Methods for creating depmix response models

-- H --

hessian Parameter standard errors
hessian-method Parameter standard errors

-- L --

llratio Log likelihood ratio test on two fitted models
logLik 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
logLik-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
loglikelihoodratio Log likelihood ratio test on two fitted models

-- M --

makeDepmix Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction: full control and adding response models
makeMix Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction: full control and adding response models
mix Mixture Model Specifiction
mix-class Class "mix"
mix-method Mixture Model Specifiction Fit 'depmix' or 'mix' models
mix.fitted-class Class "mix.fitted" (and "mix.fitted.classLik")
mix.fitted.classLik-class Class "mix.fitted" (and "mix.fitted.classLik")
mix.sim Class "mix.sim"
mix.sim-class Class "mix.sim"
MULTINOMresponse Response models currently implemented in depmix.
multistart Methods to fit a (dep-)mix model using multiple sets of starting values
multistart-method Methods to fit a (dep-)mix model using multiple sets of starting values
MVNresponse Response models currently implemented in depmix.
MVNresponse-class Class "GLMresponse" and class "transInit"

-- N --

nobs 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
nobs-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
NORMresponse Response models currently implemented in depmix.
npar 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
npar-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
nresp Class "depmix"
nresp-method Class "depmix"
nresp-method Class "depmix.sim"
nresp-method Class "mix"
nresp-method Class "mix.sim"
nstates Class "depmix"
nstates-method Class "depmix"
nstates-method Class "depmix.sim"
nstates-method Class "mix"
nstates-method Class "mix.sim"
ntimes Class "depmix"
ntimes-method Class "depmix"
ntimes-method Class "depmix.sim"
ntimes-method Class "mix"
ntimes-method Class "mix.sim"

-- P --

POISSONresponse Response models currently implemented in depmix.
posterior Posterior state/class probabilities and classification
posterior-method Posterior state/class probabilities and classification

-- R --

response-class Class "response"
response-classes Class "GLMresponse" and class "transInit"
responses Response models currently implemented in depmix.

-- S --

setpars 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
setpars-method 'depmix' and 'mix' methods.
show Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction
show-method Methods for creating depmix response models
show-method Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction
show-method Fit 'depmix' or 'mix' models
show-method Log likelihood ratio test on two fitted models
show-method Mixture Model Specifiction
show-method Response models currently implemented in depmix.
simulate Methods to simulate from (dep-)mix models
simulate-method Methods to simulate from (dep-)mix models
sp500 Standard & Poor's 500 index
speed Speed Accuracy Switching Data
standardError Parameter standard errors
standardError-method Parameter standard errors
stationary Compute the stationary distribution of a transition probability matrix.
summary Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction
summary-method Dependent Mixture Model Specifiction
summary-method Fit 'depmix' or 'mix' models
summary-method Mixture Model Specifiction

-- T --

transInit Methods for creating depmix transition and initial probability models
transInit-class Class "GLMresponse" and class "transInit"
transInit-method Methods for creating depmix transition and initial probability models

-- V --

vcov Parameter standard errors
vcov-method Parameter standard errors
viterbi Viterbi algorithm for decoding the most likely state sequence
viterbi.fb Viterbi algorithm for decoding the most likely state sequence
viterbi2 Viterbi algorithm for decoding the most likely state sequence