dprings {densitr}R Documentation

Automatically identify tree rings in a density profile


Called on a density profile it will return tree rings, which were automatically detected in the density profile. For best results, run on a trimmed and detrended density profile (use GAM for best results, see dpdetrend). The function will then search for local peaks and valleys within the profile. Normally works well in softwood species, where density increases in late wood and decreases in nearly wood. It will return a data frame containing peaks and valleys, along with their horizontal position. A diagnostic plot will be returned instead when return.plot = TRUE. Green points are valleys, blue points are peaks and red points were automatically excluded. The algorithm will search for peaks and valleys, after which it will automatically exclude all repeated points. Each peak should be followed by a valley and vice versa, when peak-peak situation is found, it will always take the higher peak and the opposite in valleys (keeps the lowest values). Adjust sensitivity by either adjusting pps, which dictates how many points on each side of the identified peak are the minimum. Essentially this dictates the minimum width of detected rings, try adjusting it and display the plot. Minimum peak value can also be adjusted with the parameter threshold, which dictates how many stand deviations from the mean amplitude of the profile is the lowest minimum peak value. Before ring detection the profile can also be denoised by setting smooth = TRUE, which applies a loess regression to smooth the data using the span parameter.


  pps = 200,
  threshold.sd = 0,
  return.plot = FALSE,
  smooth = FALSE,
  span = 0.01



An dp object, see dpload


Points per peak, the minimum width of a peak, half on each side. A local peak is identified when half of those points are lower on each side of the potential peak. The inverse is true in valleys.


Minimum peak value in standard deviations away from the overall mean of the signal. By default no peaks are allowed to be beneath the overall mean, can be adjusted to negative to lower the minimum peak allowed.


If TRUE, the function will return a diagnostic plot. Green points are valleys, blue points are peaks and red points were automatically excluded.


Set to TRUE, the profile will be denoised using a LOESS regression.


Span of the LOESS regression.


A data frame including the values and positions for all peaks and values. Usually piped into get_RW to get ring widths.

See Also



## load a single file
dp <- dpload(system.file("extdata", "00010001.dpa", package = "densitr"))
## trim and detrend the measurement
dp.trimmed <- dptrim(dp)
dp.detrended <- dpdetrend(dp.trimmed, type = "gam")
## identify rings
rings <- dprings(dp.detrended)
## plot a diagnostic
dprings(dp.detrended, return.plot = TRUE)
## get tree ring widths:

[Package densitr version 0.2 Index]