Analysing Density Profiles from Resistance Drilling of Trees

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Documentation for package ‘densitr’ version 0.2

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combine_data Combines density measurement from a dp object list into a single data frame
combine_footers Combines footer data from a dp object list into a single data frame
correct_failures Manually correct failures after automatic trim detection
dpdetect_e Detect measurement ending point automatically using changepoint segmentation
dpdetect_s Detect measurement starting point automatically using changepoint segmentation
dpdetrend Detrend (remove a trend) a density profile either using linear or GAM regression
dpload Load a single density profile measurement file (*.dpa) or a directory of *.dpa files.
dprings Automatically identify tree rings in a density profile
dptrim Automatically trim an individual density profile on both sides
dptriml Automatically trim a list of density profiles on both sides
dptriml_s Automatically trim a list of density profiles on the starting side
dptrim_s Automatically trim an individual density profile on the starting side
extract_dpa_name Extract a file name from a full path
get_RW Get ring widths from identified tree rings
manual_trim_detect Manually select a starting or ending location of a density profile
plot_all Plot a list of dp objects, one by one
plot_end_detection Display end detection on a list of dp objects
plot_failures Plot trimming failures one by one
plot_start_detection Display start detection on a list of dp objects
plot_trimming Display automatic trimming on a list of dp objects
read_dpa Read a single resistance-drilling density profile measurement file (*.dpa)
remove_trim_failures Remove automatic trim failures from a list of trimmed dp objects and return only non-failed trimmed objects
separate_trim_failures Remove automatic trim failures from a list of trimmed dp objects and return ONLY failures
trim_manually Manually trim a list of density profiles