{demogR} | R Documentation |
Caclulate net reproduction number from a demographic projection matrix
Calculate the net reproduction number () from an age or
stage-classified demographic projection matrix.
Usage, N.out = FALSE)
A |
A demographic projection matrix |
N.out |
Return the fundamental matrix (N) of the Markov chain? |
Calculates the net reproduction number () from an age or
stage-classified demographic projection matrix by first decomposing
the k x k projection matrix A into two component matrices, T and F. T
collects the transitions between life-cycle stages while F collects
the fertility transitions. For an age-classified Leslie matrix, T
will contain only the sub-diagonal of A and F will contain only the
first row of A. The fundamental matrix is given by
where I is a k x k identity matrix.
is the leading eigenvalue
of the matrix FN.
If the (default) option N.out=FALSE is used, the net reproduction number is returned as a single value. If N.out=TRUE, the returned value is a list of two items:
ro |
Net reproduction number |
N |
Fundamental matrix |
James Holland Jones
Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix population models: construction, analysis, and interpretation, Second edition. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA.
See Also
see leslie.matrix
## Create a Leslie matrix
Px <- c(0.77, 0.95, 0.98, 0.97)
Fx <- c(0,0,1,1.2,1)
L <- odiag(Px,-1)
L[1,] <- Fx
## Calculate R_0
## look at the fundamental matrix, N.out=TRUE)