Kao_Liu_2003 {deaR}R Documentation

Data: Kao and Liu (2003).


Data of 24 university libraries in Taiwan with one input and five outputs.




Data frame with 24 rows and 11 columns. Definition of fuzzy inputs (X) and fuzzy outputs (Y):

x1 = Patronage

It is a weighted sum of the standardized scores of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, and extension students in the range of 0 and 1.

y1 = Collections

Books, serials, microforms, audiovisual works, and database.

y2 = Personnel

Classified staff, unclassified staff, and student assistants.

y3 = Expenditures

Capital expenditure, operating expenditure, and special expenditure.

y4 = Buildings

Area and seats

y5 = Services

Operating hours, attendance, circulation, communication channels, range of services, amount of services, etc.


lower spread vector Expenditures


upper spread vector Expenditures


lower spread vector Services


upper spread vector Services


There are three observations that are missing: expenditures of Library 24 and services of Library 22 and Library 23. Kao and Liu (2000b) represent the expenditures of Library 24 by the triangular fuzzy number Y = (0.11; 0.41; 1.0). The services of Library 22 and Library 23 are expressed by a same triangular fuzzy number Y = (0.41; 0.69; 1.0).


Vicente Coll-Serrano (vicente.coll@uv.es). Quantitative Methods for Measuring Culture (MC2). Applied Economics.

Vicente Bolos (vicente.bolos@uv.es). Department of Business Mathematics

Rafael Benitez (rafael.suarez@uv.es). Department of Business Mathematics

University of Valencia (Spain)


Kao, C., Liu, S.T. (2003). “A mathematical programming approach to fuzzy efficiency ranking”, International Journal of Production Economics, 85. doi:10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00026-4

See Also

make_deadata_fuzzy, model_basic


# Example. Replication of results in Kao and Liu (2003, p.152)
data_example <- make_deadata_fuzzy(Kao_Liu_2003,
                                   dmus = 1,
                                   inputs.mL = 2,
                                   outputs.mL = 3:7,
                                   outputs.dL = c(NA, NA, 8, NA, 10),
                                   outputs.dR = c(NA, NA, 9, NA, 11))
result <- modelfuzzy_kaoliu(data_example,
                            kaoliu_modelname = "basic",
                            orientation = "oo",
                            rts = "vrs",
                            alpha = 0)
eff <- efficiencies(result)

[Package deaR version 1.4.1 Index]