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Sample of NLSY79 wage data from 2000
Sample of National Longitudinal Survey (NLSY) 79 containig wage data from the year 2000 of workers who were aged 35 to 43 in that year. The data is from O'Neill and O'Neill (2006) and is used as an illustration of the Oxaca-Blinder mean decomposition in Firpo, Fortin, and Lemieuex (2011). The data contains 2655 male and 2654 female observations, respectively.
A data frame with 5,396 rows and 15 variables.
- female
Female indicator
- wage
Hourly wage in US dollars
- age
Age in years
- central_city
Central city indicator
- msa
Metropolitan statistical area (MSA) indicator
- region
Factor variable disinguishing 4 large regions
- black
Black indicator
- hispanic
Hispanic indicator
- education
Factor variable indicating highest attained education
- afqt
Percentile score of armed force qualification test (AFTQ) devided by 10
- family_responsibility
Family responsibility indicator
- years_worked_civilian
Years worked in cilivian labor force
- years_worked_military
Years worked in military
- part_time
Share of years worked in part-time
- industry
Factor variable identifying 4 industries
Fortin, Nicole M., Thomas Lemieux, and Firpo Segio. 2011. "Decomposition Methods in Economics." In Orley Ashenfelter and David Card, eds., Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume 4a., Chapter 1, 1-102.