data_tabulate {datawizard}R Documentation

Create frequency and crosstables of variables


This function creates frequency or crosstables of variables, including the number of levels/values as well as the distribution of raw, valid and cumulative percentages. For crosstables, row, column and cell percentages can be calculated.


data_tabulate(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  by = NULL,
  drop_levels = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  proportions = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  by = NULL,
  drop_levels = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  proportions = NULL,
  collapse = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'datawizard_tables'
  row.names = NULL,
  optional = FALSE,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  add_total = FALSE



A (grouped) data frame, a vector or factor.


not used.


Optional vector or factor. If supplied, a crosstable is created. If x is a data frame, by can also be a character string indicating the name of a variable in x.


Logical, if FALSE, factor levels that do not occur in the data are included in the table (with frequency of zero), else unused factor levels are dropped from the frequency table.


Optional numeric vector of weights. Must be of the same length as x. If weights is supplied, weighted frequencies are calculated.


Logical, if FALSE, missing values are included in the frequency or crosstable, else missing values are omitted.


Optional character string, indicating the type of percentages to be calculated. Only applies to crosstables, i.e. when by is not NULL. Can be "row" (row percentages), "column" (column percentages) or "full" (to calculate relative frequencies for the full table).


Optional character string, which includes the name that is used for printing.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), or a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Logical, if TRUE collapses multiple tables into one larger table for printing. This affects only printing, not the returned object.


NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame. Missing values are not allowed.


logical. If TRUE, setting row names and converting column names (to syntactic names: see make.names) is optional. Note that all of R's base package methods use optional only for column names treatment, basically with the meaning of data.frame(*, check.names = !optional). See also the make.names argument of the matrix method.


logical: should the character vector be converted to a factor?


For crosstables (i.e. when by is not NULL), a row and column with the total N values are added to the data frame. add_total has no effect in for simple frequency tables.


There is an method, to return the frequency tables as a data frame. The structure of the returned object is a nested data frame, where the first column contains name of the variable for which frequencies were calculated, and the second column is a list column that contains the frequency tables as data frame. See 'Examples'.


A data frame, or a list of data frames, with one frequency table as data frame per variable.


If by is supplied, a crosstable is created. The crosstable includes ⁠<NA>⁠ (missing) values by default. The first column indicates values of x, the first row indicates values of by (including missing values). The last row and column contain the total frequencies for each row and column, respectively. Setting remove_na = FALSE will omit missing values from the crosstable. Setting proportions to "row" or "column" will add row or column percentages. Setting proportions to "full" will add relative frequencies for the full table.


There are print_html() and print_md() methods available for printing frequency or crosstables in HTML and markdown format, e.g. print_html(data_tabulate(x)).


# frequency tables -------
# ------------------------

# vector/factor

# drop missing values
data_tabulate(efc$c172code, remove_na = TRUE)

# data frame
data_tabulate(efc, c("e42dep", "c172code"))

# grouped data frame
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(poorman, quietly = TRUE))
efc %>%
  group_by(c172code) %>%

# collapse tables
efc %>%
  group_by(c172code) %>%
  data_tabulate("e16sex", collapse = TRUE)

# for larger N's (> 100000), a big mark is automatically added
x <- sample(1:3, 1e6, TRUE)
data_tabulate(x, name = "Large Number")

# to remove the big mark, use "print(..., big_mark = "")"
print(data_tabulate(x), big_mark = "")

# weighted frequencies
efc$weights <- abs(rnorm(n = nrow(efc), mean = 1, sd = 0.5))
data_tabulate(efc$e42dep, weights = efc$weights)

# crosstables ------
# ------------------

# add some missing values
efc$e16sex[, 5)] <- NA

data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex")

# add row and column percentages
data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex", proportions = "row")
data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex", proportions = "column")

# omit missing values
  by = efc$e16sex,
  proportions = "column",
  remove_na = TRUE

# round percentages
out <- data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex", proportions = "column")
print(out, digits = 0)

# coerce to data frames
result <- data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex")$table, add_total = TRUE)$table

[Package datawizard version 0.12.2 Index]