forestFire {datana} | R Documentation |
Data of forest fire occurrence
Data of forest fire occurrence from Altamirano et al. (2013) as the population under study, containing 7210 total observations, with only 890 cases of fire occurrence and 6320 cases of non-occurrence. The binary variable (Y) is the occurrence of forest fire, where Y equal to 1 denotes occurrence and Y equal to 0 otherwise.
The data frame contains four variables as follows:
- fire
Presence of forest fire (1 yes, 0 no)
- xcoord
Geographic coordinate x.utm
- ycoord
Geographic coordinate y.utm
- aspect
Exposure (degrees from north)
- eleva
Elevation (m)
- slope
Slope (degrees)
- distr
Distance to dirt roads
- distcity
Distance to cities
- distriver
Distance to paved roads
- covera
Land use classifications according to a polygon
- coverb
Land use classifications according to a polygon
- tempe
Minimum temperature of the coldest month
- ppan
Annual precipitation
- ndii
Normalized difference infrared index
- nvdi
Normalized difference vegetation index
- tempe2
Minimum temperature of the warmest month
- ppan2
Precipitation of the driest month
Frequency of fires
Percentage of fire frequency
- fireClass
Class for frecuency fire
- asp.class
Class of variable exposure
- eleva.class
Class of numerical variable elevation
- slope.class
Class of numerical variable slope
- ndii.class
Normalized difference infrared index class
- nvdi.class
Normalized difference vegetation index class
Data were compiled by Dr Adison Altamirano (Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile) from the Chilean Forest Service (CONAF).
Altamirano A, Salas C, Yaitul V, Smith-Ramirez C, Avila A. 2013. Infuencia de la heterogeneidad del paisaje en la ocurrencia de incendios forestales en Chile Central. Revista de Geografia del Norte Grande, 55:157-170.