baiTreelines |
Annual basal area increment for four tree species. |
baiTreelines2 |
Incremento anual en área basal de cuatro especies arboreas. |
bears |
Age and physical measurement data for wild bears. |
bears2 |
Age and physical measurement data for wild bears. |
bearsDepu |
Age and physical measurement data for wild bears. Data frame same as "bears" but without missing values. |
bearsDepu2 |
Age and physical measurement data for wild bears. Data frame same as "bears" but without missing values. |
beetles |
Population density of beetles on time. |
beetles2 |
Densidad poblacion de escarabajos en el tiempo. |
biomass |
Contains tree-level biomass data for several species in Canada. |
biomass2 |
Biomasa a nivel de árbol para especies arboreas de Canada. |
boreal |
Spatial coordinates of trees in a boreal forest (Finland). |
boreal2 |
Ubicación espacial de árboles en un bosque boreal (Finlandia). |
datana |
Data and Functions to Accompany Analisis De Datos Con R |
deadForestCA |
Data contains climatic, forest structure and forest mortality variable |
deadForestCA2 |
Los datos contienen variables climaticas, de estructura forestal y de mortalidad forestal. |
deadLianas |
This dataset has 43 columns and 4247 rows. Each row corresponds to an epiphyte individual located on the reliable sections of the host trees |
deadLianas2 |
Este conjunto de datos tiene 43 columnas y 4247 filas. Cada fila corresponde a un individuo epifito ubicado en el secciones confiables de los árboles hospedantes |
deleteRight |
This function deletes the last n-characters of a string. |
demograph |
Contains information of demography of species. |
demograph2 |
Información demográfica de especies arboreas. |
descstat |
A function that prepares a descriptive statistics table for continuous variables. |
dgorange |
Diameter growth of Orange trees |
dgorange2 |
Crecimiento diametral de árboles de naranjo |
diamgr |
Diameter growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees. |
diamgr2 |
Crecimiento diametral de árboles de abeto Noruego (Picea abies) . |
election |
Presidential election data of Florida (USA) in 2000. |
election2 |
Elección presidential en el estado de Florida (USA) en el 2000. |
eucaleaf |
Leaf measurements for Eucalyptus nitens trees in Tasmania, Australia. |
eucaleaf2 |
Mediciones foliares para árboles de Eucalyptus nitens en Tasmania, Australia. |
eucaplot |
Data from a Eucalyptus globulus plantation near Gorbea, Region de La Araucania, Chile. |
eucaplot2 |
árboles dentro de parcelas de muestreo en una plantación de Eucalyptus globulus, Chile. |
eucaplotsampleh |
A sample plot from a Eucalyptus globulus plantation, with height measurements in a sub-sample of trees. |
eucaplotsampleh2 |
Una parcela de muestreo en una plantación de Eucalyptus globulus, con medición de altura en una submuestra de árboles. |
extractRight |
This function extracts the last n-characters of a string. |
pinaster |
Tree volume for Pinus pinaster in the Baixo-Miño, Galicia, Spain. |
pinaster2 |
Datos de volumen individual de árboles de Pinus pinaster en Galicia, España. |
pinusContorta |
Contains spatial location of Pinus contorta trees in sample plots. |
pinusContorta2 |
Ubicación espacial de árboles de Pinus contorta en parcelas de muestreo. |
pinusSpp |
Tree-level variables of several sample plots of invasive Pinus spp in Chile. |
pinusSpp2 |
Variables a nivel de árbol en parcelas de muestreo de Pinus spp en Chile. |
plantsHawaii |
Maximum plant size in the Hawaiian archipelago. |
populavolplots |
A population of forest sample plots. |
populavolplots2 |
Una población de parcelas de muestreo con datos de volumen. |
presenceIce |
Presence or absence of sea ice from logbook records of annual cruises |
presidentChile |
2021 presidential election in Chile. |
presidentChile2 |
2021 presidential election in Chile. |
pspLlancahue |
Tree locations for a sample plot in the Llancahue experimental forest, near Valdivia, Chile. |
pspLlancahue2 |
Ubicación espacial de árboles dentro de una parcela de muestreo en el bosque de Llancahue, Valdivia, Chile. |
pspRuca |
Tree-level measurements and spatial coordinates in a sample plot in the Rucamanque experimental forest, Temuco, Chile. |
pspRuca2 |
Coordenadas espaciales y variables a nivel de árbol en parcela de muestreo en predio Rucamanque, Temuco, Chile |
psptime |
Remeasurements of a permanent sample plot in a radiata pine plantation (Chile). |
psptime2 |
Remediciones en una parcela permanente de muestreo en una plantación de pino radiata (Chile). |
ptaeda |
Height growth of Pinus taeda (Loblolly pine) trees |
ptaeda2 |
Crecimiento en altura de árboles de Pinus taeda (Loblolly pine) |
simula |
Simulated yield of forestry plantations of exotic species in Chile. |
slashpine |
Biomass dataset |
slashpine2 |
Biomasa |
sludge |
ludge data are at different cities, with a value of concentration zinc. |
snaspeChile |
On the National System of State Protected Wild Areas (SNASPE) of Chile. |
snaspeChile2 |
Sistema nacional de areas protegidas del estado (SNASPE) de Chile |
soiltreat |
Soil treatments on the height growth of 2-year-old seedlings. |
soiltreat2 |
Tratamiento de suelo en el crecimiento de plantulas de 2-años de edad. |
spatAustria |
Tree locations for several plots of Norway spruce |
speciesList |
Names and other information of plant species (mainly trees) |
sppAbundance |
Contains information of abundance of plant species in the central-southern Andes of Chile. |
sppTraits |
Contains information of functional traits of species. |
standLleuque |
Plot-level data with variables from Andean Prumnopitys forests |
standLleuque2 |
Datos con variables a nivel de parcela de bosques de Prumnopitys andina |
trailCameraTrap |
Contains information of Camera trap data on medium to large terrestrial mammals collected at 54 camera stations in Ruaha National Park, southern Tanzania. |
traits |
Functional traits of vegetative species in Chile. |
traits2 |
Rasgos funcionales para algunas especies vegetales de Chile. |
treegrowth |
Diameter and height growth of Grand-fir sample trees. |
treegrowth2 |
Crecimiento en diámetro y altura de árboles muestras de Grand-fir. |
treelistinve |
Tree-list data from a forest inventory. |
treelistinve2 |
Lista de árboles provienentes de un inventario forestal. |
treevol |
Diameter, height and volume for Black Cherry Trees |
treevol2 |
Volumen, altura, y diámetro para árboles de Black Cherry |
treevolroble |
Contains tree-level variables for roble (Nothofagus obliqua) in the Rucamanque experimental forest, near Temuco, Chile. |
treevolroble2 |
Variables alometricas a nivel de árbol para roble (Nothofagus obliqua) en el bosque de Rucamanque, cerca de Temuco, Chile. |
treevolruca |
Contains tree-level variables of several species from the Rucamanque experimental forest, near Temuco, Chile. |
treevolruca2 |
Variables alometricas a nivel de árbol para varias especies del bosque de Rucamanque, cerca de Temuco, Chile. |