Modules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'

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Documentation for package ‘datamods’ version 1.5.1

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create-column Create new column
create_column_server Create new column
create_column_ui Create new column
cut-variable Module to Convert Numeric to Factor
cut_variable_server Module to Convert Numeric to Factor
cut_variable_ui Module to Convert Numeric to Factor
demo_edit Customer Credit Card Information
edit-data Shiny module to interactively edit a 'data.frame'
edit_data_server Shiny module to interactively edit a 'data.frame'
edit_data_ui Shiny module to interactively edit a 'data.frame'
filter-data Shiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
filter_data_server Shiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
filter_data_ui Shiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
get_data_packages Get packages containing datasets
i18n Internationalization
i18n_translations Internationalization
import-copypaste Import data with copy & paste
import-file Import data from a file
import-globalenv Import data from an Environment
import-googlesheets Import data from Googlesheet
import-modal Import from all sources
import-url Import data from a URL
import_copypaste_server Import data with copy & paste
import_copypaste_ui Import data with copy & paste
import_file_server Import data from a file
import_file_ui Import data from a file
import_globalenv_server Import data from an Environment
import_globalenv_ui Import data from an Environment
import_googlesheets_server Import data from Googlesheet
import_googlesheets_ui Import data from Googlesheet
import_modal Import from all sources
import_server Import from all sources
import_ui Import from all sources
import_url_server Import data from a URL
import_url_ui Import data from a URL
list_allowed_operations Create new column
list_pkg_data List dataset contained in a package
modal_create_column Create new column
modal_cut_variable Module to Convert Numeric to Factor
modal_update_factor Module to Reorder the Levels of a Factor Variable
module-sample Shiny module to interactively sample a 'data.frame'
sample_server Shiny module to interactively sample a 'data.frame'
sample_ui Shiny module to interactively sample a 'data.frame'
select-group Select Group Input Module
select_group_server Select Group Input Module
select_group_ui Select Group Input Module
set_i18n Internationalization
show_data Display a table in a window
update-factor Module to Reorder the Levels of a Factor Variable
update-variables Select, rename and convert variables
update_factor_server Module to Reorder the Levels of a Factor Variable
update_factor_ui Module to Reorder the Levels of a Factor Variable
update_variables_server Select, rename and convert variables
update_variables_ui Select, rename and convert variables
validation_server Validation module
validation_ui Validation module
winbox_create_column Create new column
winbox_cut_variable Module to Convert Numeric to Factor
winbox_update_factor Create new column