gi2gl |
Converts a genind object into a genlight object |
gl.alf |
Calculates allele frequency of the first and second allele for each loci A very simple function to report allele frequencies |
gl.amova |
Performs AMOVA using genlight data |
gl.assign.grm |
Population assignment using grm |
gl.assign.mahalanobis |
Assign an individual of unknown provenance to population based on Mahalanobis Distance | |
Eliminates populations as possible source populations for an individual of unknown provenance, using private alleles |
gl.assign.pca |
Assign an individual of unknown provenance to population based on PCA |
gl.basic.stats |
Calculates basic statistics for each loci (Hs, Ho, Fis etc.) |
gl.blast |
Aligns nucleotides sequences against those present in a target database using blastn |
gl.check.verbosity |
Checks the current global verbosity |
gl.collapse |
Collapses a distance matrix by amalgamating populations with pairwise fixed difference count less that a threshold |
gl.compliance.check |
Checks a genlight object to see if it complies with dartR expectations and amends it to comply if necessary |
gl.costdistances |
Calculates cost distances for a given landscape (resistance matrix) |
gl.define.pop |
Defines a new population in a genlight object for specified individuals |
gl.diagnostics.hwe |
Provides descriptive stats and plots to diagnose potential problems with Hardy-Weinberg proportions |
gl.diagnostics.sim |
Comparing simulations against theoretical expectations |
gl.dist.ind |
Calculates a distance matrix for individuals defined in a genlight object |
gl.dist.pop |
Calculates a distance matrix for populations with SNP genotypes in a genlight object |
gl.drop.ind |
Removes specified individuals from a genlight object |
gl.drop.loc |
Removes specified loci from a genlight object |
gl.drop.pop |
Removes specified populations from a genlight object |
gl.edit.recode.ind |
Creates or edits individual (=specimen) names, creates a recode_ind file and applies the changes to a genlight object |
gl.edit.recode.pop |
Creates or edits a population re-assignment table |
gl.evanno |
Creates an Evanno plot from a STRUCTURE run object |
gl.fdsim |
Estimates the rate of false positives in a fixed difference analysis |
gl.filter.allna |
Filters loci that are all NA across individuals and/or populations with all NA across loci |
gl.filter.callrate |
Filters loci or specimens in a genlight {adegenet} object based on call rate |
gl.filter.hamming |
Filters loci based on pairwise Hamming distance between sequence tags |
gl.filter.heterozygosity |
Filters individuals with average heterozygosity greater than a specified upper threshold or less than a specified lower threshold |
gl.filter.hwe |
Filters loci that show significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
gl.filter.ld |
Filters loci based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) |
gl.filter.locmetric |
Filters loci on the basis of numeric information stored in other$loc.metrics in a genlight {adegenet} object |
gl.filter.maf |
Filters loci on the basis of minor allele frequency (MAF) in a genlight adegenet object |
gl.filter.monomorphs |
Filters monomorphic loci, including those with all NAs |
gl.filter.overshoot |
Filters loci for which the SNP has been trimmed from the sequence tag along with the adaptor | |
Filters loci that contain private (and fixed alleles) between two populations |
gl.filter.parent.offspring |
Filters putative parent offspring within a population |
gl.filter.rdepth |
Filters loci based on counts of sequence tags scored at a locus (read depth) |
gl.filter.reproducibility |
Filters loci in a genlight {adegenet} object based on average repeatability of alleles at a locus |
gl.filter.secondaries |
Filters loci that represent secondary SNPs in a genlight object |
gl.filter.sexlinked |
Filters loci that are sex linked |
gl.filter.taglength |
Filters loci in a genlight {adegenet} object based on sequence tag length |
gl.fixed.diff |
Generates a matrix of fixed differences and associated statistics for populations taken pairwise |
gl.fst.pop |
Calculates a pairwise Fst values for populations in a genlight object |
gl.genleastcost |
Performs least-cost path analysis based on a friction matrix |
gl.grm |
Calculates an identity by descent matrix | |
Represents a genomic relationship matrix (GRM) as a network |
gl.He |
Estimates expected Heterozygosity |
gl.Ho |
Estimates observed Heterozygosity |
gl.hwe.pop |
Performs Hardy-Weinberg tests over loci and populations |
gl.ibd |
Performs isolation by distance analysis |
gl.impute |
Imputates missing data |
gl.install.vanilla.dartR |
Installs all required packages for using all functions available in dartR |
gl.join |
Combines two genlight objects |
gl.keep.ind |
Removes all but the specified individuals from a genlight object |
gl.keep.loc |
Removes all but the specified loci from a genlight object |
gl.keep.pop |
Removes all but the specified populations from a genlight object |
gl.ld.distance |
Plots linkage disequilibrium against distance by population disequilibrium patterns |
gl.ld.haplotype |
Visualize patterns of linkage disequilibrium and identification of haplotypes |
gl.LDNe |
Estimates effective population size using the Linkage Disequilibrium method based on NeEstimator (V2) |
gl.list.reports |
Prints dartR reports saved in tempdir |
gl.load |
Loads an object from compressed binary format produced by |
gl.make.recode.ind |
Creates a proforma recode_ind file for reassigning individual (=specimen) names |
gl.make.recode.pop |
Creates a proforma recode_pop_table file for reassigning population names | |
Creates an interactive map (based on latlon) from a genlight object | |
Maps a STRUCTURE plot using a genlight object |
gl.merge.pop |
Merges two or more populations in a genlight object into one population |
gl.nhybrids |
Creates an input file for the program NewHybrids and runs it if NewHybrids is installed |
gl.outflank |
Identifies loci under selection per population using the outflank method of Whitlock and Lotterhos (2015) |
gl.pcoa |
Ordination applied to genotypes in a genlight object (PCA), in an fd object, or to a distance matrix (PCoA) |
gl.pcoa.plot |
Bivariate or trivariate plot of the results of an ordination generated using gl.pcoa() |
gl.percent.freq |
Generates percentage allele frequencies by locus and population | |
Replays the history and applies it to a genlight object |
gl.plot.heatmap |
Represents a distance matrix as a heatmap | |
Represents a distance or dissimilarity matrix as a network |
gl.plot.structure |
Plots STRUCTURE analysis results (Q-matrix) |
gl.print.history |
Prints history of a genlight object |
gl.print.reports |
Prints dartR reports saved in tempdir |
gl.propShared |
Calculates a similarity (distance) matrix for individuals on the proportion of shared alleles |
gl.random.snp |
Randomly changes the allocation of 0's and 2's in a genlight object | |
Reads SNP data from a csv file into a genlight object | |
Imports DArT data into dartR and converts it into a genlight object | |
Reads FASTA files and converts them to genlight object | |
Imports presence/absence data from SilicoDArT to genlight {agegenet} format (ploidy=1) | |
Converts a vcf file into a genlight object |
gl.reassign.pop |
Assigns an individual metric as pop in a genlight {adegenet} object |
gl.recalc.metrics |
Recalculates locus metrics when individuals or populations are deleted from a genlight {adegenet} object |
gl.recode.ind |
Recodes individual (=specimen = sample) labels in a genlight object |
gl.recode.pop |
Recodes population assignments in a genlight object |
gl.rename.pop |
Renames a population in a genlight object | |
Reports summary of base pair frequencies | |
Reports summary of Call Rate for loci or individuals | |
Calculates diversity indexes for SNPs | |
Calculates the pairwise Hamming distance between DArT trimmed DNA sequences | |
Reports observed, expected and unbiased heterozygosities and FIS (inbreeding coefficient) by population or by individual from SNP data | |
Reports departure from Hardy-Weinberg proportions | |
Calculates pairwise population based Linkage Disequilibrium across all loci using the specified number of cores | |
Calculates pairwise linkage disequilibrium by population | |
Reports summary of the slot $other$loc.metrics | |
Reports minor allele frequency (MAF) for each locus in a SNP dataset | |
Reports monomorphic loci | |
Reports loci for which the SNP has been trimmed from the sequence tag along with the adaptor | |
Reports private alleles (and fixed alleles) per pair of populations | |
Identifies putative parent offspring within a population | |
Reports summary of Read Depth for each locus | |
Reports summary of RepAvg (repeatability averaged over both alleles for each locus) or reproducibility (repeatability of the scores for fragment presence/absence) | |
Reports loci containing secondary SNPs in sequence tags and calculates number of invariant sites | |
Identifies loci that are sex linked | |
Reports summary of sequence tag length across loci | |
Runs a STRUCTURE analysis using a genlight object |
gl.sample |
Samples individuals from populations | |
Saves an object in compressed binary format for later rapid retrieval | |
Selects colors from one of several palettes and output as a vector | |
Selects shapes from the base R shape palette and outputs as a vector |
gl.set.verbosity |
Sets the default verbosity level |
gl.sfs |
Creates a site frequency spectrum based on a dartR or genlight object |
gl.sim.create_dispersal |
Creates a dispersal file as input for the function |
gl.sim.emigration |
Simulates emigration between populations |
gl.sim.ind |
Simulates individuals based on the allele frequencies provided via a genlight object. |
gl.sim.mutate |
Simulates mutations within a genlight object |
gl.sim.offspring |
Simulates a specified number of offspring based on alleles provided by potential father(s) and mother(s) | |
Runs Wright-Fisher simulations |
gl.sim.WF.table |
Creates the reference table for running |
gl.smearplot |
Smear plot of SNP or presence/absence (SilicoDArT) data |
gl.sort |
re-sorts genlight objects |
gl.spatial.autoCorr |
Spatial autocorrelation following Smouse and Peakall 1999 |
gl.subsample.loci |
Subsamples n loci from a genlight object and return it as a genlight object |
gl.test.heterozygosity |
Tests the difference in heterozygosity between populations taken pairwise |
gl.tree.nj |
Outputs an nj tree to summarize genetic similarity among populations |
gl.write.csv |
Writes out data from a genlight object to csv file |
gl2bayescan |
Converts a genlight object into a format suitable for input to Bayescan |
gl2bpp |
Converts a genlight object into a format suitable for input to the BPP program |
gl2demerelate |
Creates a dataframe suitable for input to package {Demerelate} from a genlight {adegenet} object |
gl2eigenstrat |
Converts a genlight object into eigenstrat format |
gl2fasta |
Concatenates DArT trimmed sequences and outputs a FASTA file |
gl2faststructure |
Converts a genlight object into faststructure format (to run faststructure elsewhere) |
gl2gds |
Converts a genlight object into gds format |
gl2genalex |
Converts a genlight object into a format suitable for input to genalex |
gl2genepop |
Converts a genlight object into genepop format (and file) |
gl2geno |
Converts a genlight object to geno format from package LEA |
gl2gi |
Converts a genlight object to genind object |
gl2hiphop |
Converts a genlight objects into hiphop format |
gl2phylip |
Creates a Phylip input distance matrix from a genlight (SNP) {adegenet} object |
gl2plink |
Converts a genlight object into PLINK format |
gl2related |
Converts a genlight object to format suitable to be run with Coancestry |
gl2sa |
Converts genlight objects to the format used in the SNPassoc package |
gl2sfs |
Converts a genlight object into a sfs input file |
gl2shp |
Converts a genlight object to ESRI shapefiles or kml files |
gl2snapp |
Converts a genlight object to nexus format suitable for phylogenetic analysis by SNAPP (via BEAUti) |
gl2structure |
Converts a genlight object to STRUCTURE formatted files |
gl2svdquartets |
Converts a genlight object to nexus format PAUP SVDquartets |
gl2treemix |
Converts a genlight object to a treemix input file |
gl2vcf |
Converts a genlight object into vcf format |