Importing and Analysing 'SNP' and 'Silicodart' Data Generated by Genome-Wide Restriction Fragment Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘dartR’ version 2.9.7

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B C G I P R T U Z misc

-- B -- A genlight object created via the read.dart functions

-- C --

cbind.dartR adjust cbind for dartR

-- G --

gi2gl Converts a genind object into a genlight object
gl.alf Calculates allele frequency of the first and second allele for each loci A very simple function to report allele frequencies
gl.amova Performs AMOVA using genlight data
gl.assign.grm Population assignment using grm
gl.assign.mahalanobis Assign an individual of unknown provenance to population based on Mahalanobis Distance Eliminates populations as possible source populations for an individual of unknown provenance, using private alleles
gl.assign.pca Assign an individual of unknown provenance to population based on PCA
gl.basic.stats Calculates basic statistics for each loci (Hs, Ho, Fis etc.)
gl.blast Aligns nucleotides sequences against those present in a target database using blastn
gl.check.verbosity Checks the current global verbosity
gl.collapse Collapses a distance matrix by amalgamating populations with pairwise fixed difference count less that a threshold
gl.compliance.check Checks a genlight object to see if it complies with dartR expectations and amends it to comply if necessary
gl.costdistances Calculates cost distances for a given landscape (resistance matrix)
gl.define.pop Defines a new population in a genlight object for specified individuals
gl.diagnostics.hwe Provides descriptive stats and plots to diagnose potential problems with Hardy-Weinberg proportions
gl.diagnostics.sim Comparing simulations against theoretical expectations
gl.dist.ind Calculates a distance matrix for individuals defined in a genlight object
gl.dist.pop Calculates a distance matrix for populations with SNP genotypes in a genlight object
gl.drop.ind Removes specified individuals from a genlight object
gl.drop.loc Removes specified loci from a genlight object
gl.drop.pop Removes specified populations from a genlight object
gl.edit.recode.ind Creates or edits individual (=specimen) names, creates a recode_ind file and applies the changes to a genlight object
gl.edit.recode.pop Creates or edits a population re-assignment table
gl.evanno Creates an Evanno plot from a STRUCTURE run object
gl.fdsim Estimates the rate of false positives in a fixed difference analysis
gl.filter.allna Filters loci that are all NA across individuals and/or populations with all NA across loci
gl.filter.callrate Filters loci or specimens in a genlight {adegenet} object based on call rate
gl.filter.hamming Filters loci based on pairwise Hamming distance between sequence tags
gl.filter.heterozygosity Filters individuals with average heterozygosity greater than a specified upper threshold or less than a specified lower threshold
gl.filter.hwe Filters loci that show significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
gl.filter.ld Filters loci based on linkage disequilibrium (LD)
gl.filter.locmetric Filters loci on the basis of numeric information stored in other$loc.metrics in a genlight {adegenet} object
gl.filter.maf Filters loci on the basis of minor allele frequency (MAF) in a genlight adegenet object
gl.filter.monomorphs Filters monomorphic loci, including those with all NAs
gl.filter.overshoot Filters loci for which the SNP has been trimmed from the sequence tag along with the adaptor Filters loci that contain private (and fixed alleles) between two populations
gl.filter.parent.offspring Filters putative parent offspring within a population
gl.filter.rdepth Filters loci based on counts of sequence tags scored at a locus (read depth)
gl.filter.reproducibility Filters loci in a genlight {adegenet} object based on average repeatability of alleles at a locus
gl.filter.secondaries Filters loci that represent secondary SNPs in a genlight object
gl.filter.sexlinked Filters loci that are sex linked
gl.filter.taglength Filters loci in a genlight {adegenet} object based on sequence tag length
gl.fixed.diff Generates a matrix of fixed differences and associated statistics for populations taken pairwise
gl.fst.pop Calculates a pairwise Fst values for populations in a genlight object
gl.genleastcost Performs least-cost path analysis based on a friction matrix
gl.grm Calculates an identity by descent matrix Represents a genomic relationship matrix (GRM) as a network
gl.He Estimates expected Heterozygosity
gl.Ho Estimates observed Heterozygosity
gl.hwe.pop Performs Hardy-Weinberg tests over loci and populations
gl.ibd Performs isolation by distance analysis
gl.impute Imputates missing data
gl.install.vanilla.dartR Installs all required packages for using all functions available in dartR
gl.join Combines two genlight objects
gl.keep.ind Removes all but the specified individuals from a genlight object
gl.keep.loc Removes all but the specified loci from a genlight object
gl.keep.pop Removes all but the specified populations from a genlight object
gl.ld.distance Plots linkage disequilibrium against distance by population disequilibrium patterns
gl.ld.haplotype Visualize patterns of linkage disequilibrium and identification of haplotypes
gl.LDNe Estimates effective population size using the Linkage Disequilibrium method based on NeEstimator (V2)
gl.list.reports Prints dartR reports saved in tempdir
gl.load Loads an object from compressed binary format produced by
gl.make.recode.ind Creates a proforma recode_ind file for reassigning individual (=specimen) names
gl.make.recode.pop Creates a proforma recode_pop_table file for reassigning population names Creates an interactive map (based on latlon) from a genlight object Maps a STRUCTURE plot using a genlight object
gl.merge.pop Merges two or more populations in a genlight object into one population
gl.nhybrids Creates an input file for the program NewHybrids and runs it if NewHybrids is installed
gl.outflank Identifies loci under selection per population using the outflank method of Whitlock and Lotterhos (2015)
gl.pcoa Ordination applied to genotypes in a genlight object (PCA), in an fd object, or to a distance matrix (PCoA)
gl.pcoa.plot Bivariate or trivariate plot of the results of an ordination generated using gl.pcoa()
gl.percent.freq Generates percentage allele frequencies by locus and population Replays the history and applies it to a genlight object
gl.plot.heatmap Represents a distance matrix as a heatmap Represents a distance or dissimilarity matrix as a network
gl.plot.structure Plots STRUCTURE analysis results (Q-matrix)
gl.print.history Prints history of a genlight object
gl.print.reports Prints dartR reports saved in tempdir
gl.propShared Calculates a similarity (distance) matrix for individuals on the proportion of shared alleles
gl.random.snp Randomly changes the allocation of 0's and 2's in a genlight object Reads SNP data from a csv file into a genlight object Imports DArT data into dartR and converts it into a genlight object Reads FASTA files and converts them to genlight object Imports presence/absence data from SilicoDArT to genlight {agegenet} format (ploidy=1) Converts a vcf file into a genlight object
gl.reassign.pop Assigns an individual metric as pop in a genlight {adegenet} object
gl.recalc.metrics Recalculates locus metrics when individuals or populations are deleted from a genlight {adegenet} object
gl.recode.ind Recodes individual (=specimen = sample) labels in a genlight object
gl.recode.pop Recodes population assignments in a genlight object
gl.rename.pop Renames a population in a genlight object Reports summary of base pair frequencies Reports summary of Call Rate for loci or individuals Calculates diversity indexes for SNPs Calculates the pairwise Hamming distance between DArT trimmed DNA sequences Reports observed, expected and unbiased heterozygosities and FIS (inbreeding coefficient) by population or by individual from SNP data Reports departure from Hardy-Weinberg proportions Calculates pairwise population based Linkage Disequilibrium across all loci using the specified number of cores Calculates pairwise linkage disequilibrium by population Reports summary of the slot $other$loc.metrics Reports minor allele frequency (MAF) for each locus in a SNP dataset Reports monomorphic loci Reports loci for which the SNP has been trimmed from the sequence tag along with the adaptor Reports private alleles (and fixed alleles) per pair of populations Identifies putative parent offspring within a population Reports summary of Read Depth for each locus Reports summary of RepAvg (repeatability averaged over both alleles for each locus) or reproducibility (repeatability of the scores for fragment presence/absence) Reports loci containing secondary SNPs in sequence tags and calculates number of invariant sites Identifies loci that are sex linked Reports summary of sequence tag length across loci Runs a STRUCTURE analysis using a genlight object
gl.sample Samples individuals from populations Saves an object in compressed binary format for later rapid retrieval Selects colors from one of several palettes and output as a vector Selects shapes from the base R shape palette and outputs as a vector
gl.set.verbosity Sets the default verbosity level
gl.sfs Creates a site frequency spectrum based on a dartR or genlight object
gl.sim.create_dispersal Creates a dispersal file as input for the function
gl.sim.emigration Simulates emigration between populations
gl.sim.ind Simulates individuals based on the allele frequencies provided via a genlight object.
gl.sim.mutate Simulates mutations within a genlight object
gl.sim.offspring Simulates a specified number of offspring based on alleles provided by potential father(s) and mother(s) Runs Wright-Fisher simulations
gl.sim.WF.table Creates the reference table for running
gl.smearplot Smear plot of SNP or presence/absence (SilicoDArT) data
gl.sort re-sorts genlight objects
gl.spatial.autoCorr Spatial autocorrelation following Smouse and Peakall 1999
gl.subsample.loci Subsamples n loci from a genlight object and return it as a genlight object
gl.test.heterozygosity Tests the difference in heterozygosity between populations taken pairwise
gl.tree.nj Outputs an nj tree to summarize genetic similarity among populations
gl.write.csv Writes out data from a genlight object to csv file
gl2bayescan Converts a genlight object into a format suitable for input to Bayescan
gl2bpp Converts a genlight object into a format suitable for input to the BPP program
gl2demerelate Creates a dataframe suitable for input to package {Demerelate} from a genlight {adegenet} object
gl2eigenstrat Converts a genlight object into eigenstrat format
gl2fasta Concatenates DArT trimmed sequences and outputs a FASTA file
gl2faststructure Converts a genlight object into faststructure format (to run faststructure elsewhere)
gl2gds Converts a genlight object into gds format
gl2genalex Converts a genlight object into a format suitable for input to genalex
gl2genepop Converts a genlight object into genepop format (and file)
gl2geno Converts a genlight object to geno format from package LEA
gl2gi Converts a genlight object to genind object
gl2hiphop Converts a genlight objects into hiphop format
gl2phylip Creates a Phylip input distance matrix from a genlight (SNP) {adegenet} object
gl2plink Converts a genlight object into PLINK format
gl2related Converts a genlight object to format suitable to be run with Coancestry
gl2sa Converts genlight objects to the format used in the SNPassoc package
gl2sfs Converts a genlight object into a sfs input file
gl2shp Converts a genlight object to ESRI shapefiles or kml files
gl2snapp Converts a genlight object to nexus format suitable for phylogenetic analysis by SNAPP (via BEAUti)
gl2structure Converts a genlight object to STRUCTURE formatted files
gl2svdquartets Converts a genlight object to nexus format PAUP SVDquartets
gl2treemix Converts a genlight object to a treemix input file
gl2vcf Converts a genlight object into vcf format

-- I --

interactive_reference Shiny app for the input of the reference table for the simulations
interactive_sim_run Shiny app for the input of the simulations variables
is.fixed Tests if two populations are fixed at a given locus

-- P --

platy Example data set as text file to be imported into a genlight object A simulated genlight object created to run a landscape genetic example

-- R --

rbind.dartR adjust rbind for dartR

-- T -- A genlight object created via the function A genlight object created via the function
testset_metadata Metadata file. Can be integrated via the dart2genlight function.
testset_pop_recode Recode file to be used with the function.
testset_SNPs_2Row Testfile in DArT format (as provided by DArT)
theme_dartR dartR theme

-- U --

utils.assignment Population assignment probabilities
utils.assignment_2 Population assignment probabilities
utils.assignment_3 Population assignment probabilities
utils.assignment_4 Population assignment probabilities
utils.basic.stats Calculates mean observed heterozygosity, mean expected heterozygosity and Fis per locus, per population and various population differentiation measures
utils.check.datatype Utility function to check the class of an object passed to a function
utils.dart2genlight Converts DarT to genlight
utils.dist.binary Calculates a distance matrix for individuals defined in a dartR genlight object using binary P/A data (SilicoDArT)
utils.dist.ind.snp Calculates a distance matrix for individuals defined in a dartR genlight object using SNP data (DArTseq)
utils.flag.start A utility script to flag the start of a script
utils.hamming Calculates the Hamming distance between two DArT trimmed DNA sequences
utils.het.pop Calculates expected mean expected heterozygosity per population
utils.jackknife Conducts jackknife resampling using a genlight object
utils.n.var.invariant A utility script to calculate the number of variant and invariant sites by locus
utils.outflank OutFLANK: An Fst outlier approach by Mike Whitlock and Katie Lotterhos, University of British Columbia.
utils.outflank.MakeDiploidFSTMat Creates OutFLANK input file from individual genotype info.
utils.outflank.plotter Plotting functions for Fst distributions after OutFLANK Imports DarT data to R
utils.recalc.avgpic A utility script to recalculate the OneRatioRef, OneRatioSnp, PICRef, PICSnp, and AvgPIC by locus after some individuals or populations have been deleted.
utils.recalc.callrate A utility script to recalculate the callrate by locus after some populations have been deleted
utils.recalc.freqhets A utility script to recalculate the frequency of the heterozygous SNPs by locus after some populations have been deleted
utils.recalc.freqhomref A utility script to recalculate the frequency of the homozygous reference SNP by locus after some populations have been deleted
utils.recalc.freqhomsnp A utility script to recalculate the frequency of the homozygous alternate SNP by locus after some populations have been deleted
utils.recalc.maf A utility script to recalculate the minor allele frequency by locus, typically after some populations have been deleted
utils.reset.flags A utility script to reset to FALSE (or TRUE) the locus metric flags after some individuals or populations have been deleted.
utils.spautocor Spatial autocorrelation coefficient calculations
utils.structure.evanno Util function for evanno plots
utils.structure.genind2gtypes structure util functions Utility function to run Structure

-- Z --

zzz Setting up the package

-- misc --

[-method indexing dartR objects correctly...