dagR2dagitty {dagR} | R Documentation |
Create dagitty code from a dagR DAG
Translates a DAG as defined in a dagRdag object created by dagR into the dagitty package format. Node labeling follows the rules used for plotting dagRdag objects, but adjusted nodes are marked by a preceding underscore instead of under- and over-line.
dagR2dagitty(x, alt.symb = TRUE, only.code = TRUE)
x |
The dagR DAG to be translated. |
alt.symb |
Boolean indicating if the alternative node symbols should be used. |
only.code |
If TRUE, a string with R dagitty function call is returned, which should be checked by the user (and possibly edited as required) before running it to create an equivalent dagitty DAG. If FALSE and the dagitty package has been installed and loaded, the dagitty function is called directly and the resulting dagitty DAG is returned. |
Either a string containing dagitty syntax to translate the dagR DAG into dagitty format, or a dagitty object.
Lutz P Breitling <l.breitling@posteo.de>
Breitling LP (2010). dagR: a suite of R functions for directed acyclic graphs. Epidemiology 21(4):586-587.
Breitling LP, Duan C, Dragomir AD, Luta G (2022). Using dagR to identify minimal sufficient adjustment sets and
to simulate data based on directed acyclic graphs. Int J Epidemiol 50(6):1772-1777.