Directed Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data Simulation

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Documentation for package ‘dagR’ version 1.2.1

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dagR-package Directed Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data Simulation
add.arc Add an arc to a DAG.
add.node Add a node to an existing DAG.
addAngle Sum up two radian angles.
allCombs Create all combinations of the elements of a vector.
angle Calculate radian angle of line between two points.
anglePoint Calculate coordinates at specific angle and distance.
assoc.exists Check if association between two DAG nodes exists. Evaluate all possible adjustment sets of a DAG.
dag.adjust Adjust an existing DAG for covariables.
dag.adjustment Adjust a DAG for one or more variables.
dag.ancestors Identify ancestors of DAG nodes.
dag.draw Draw a DAG.
dag.init Set up a new DAG.
dag.legend Write the legend in a DAG drawing.
dag.letter Write a DAG node symbol.
dag.letter2 Return a DAG node symbol.
dag.move Interactively move a node or curving point in a DAG. Evaluate possible adjustment sets of a DAG.
dag.sim Simulate data based on a DAG.
dag.sim2 Simulate data based on a DAG.
dagR Directed Acyclic Graphs: Analysis and Data Simulation
dagR2dagitty Create dagitty code from a dagR DAG
demo.dag0 Set up demo DAG #0.
demo.dag1 Set up demo DAG #1.
demo.dag2 Set up demo DAG #2.
demo.dag3 Set up demo DAG #3.
demo.dag4 Set up demo DAG #4.
demo.dag5 Set up demo DAG #5.
demo.dag6 Set up demo DAG #6.
demo.dag7 Set up demo DAG #7.
distPoints Calculate distance between two points.
eval.paths Evaluate potentially biasing paths in a DAG.
find.paths Find potentially biasing paths in a DAG.
garrows Draw a directed arc in a DAG.
inAngle Calculate angle between two arcs.
is.acyclic Check if a DAG actually is acyclic. Check if a specific numeric value occurs in a vector.
is.unknown Check if a DAG node presents an unknown variable.
msas Identify minimal sufficient adjustment sets.
plot.dagRdag Function to draw a DAG
print.dagRdag Prints the raw contents of an object of class dagRdag.
rm.arc Remove an arc from a DAG.
rm.node Remove a node from a DAG.
smoothArc Draw an undirected assocation in a DAG.
summary.dagRdag Summarize a DAG.
summary_dagRdag Summarize a DAG.
viv Is a numeric vector in another vector?
write.paths Write the paths into a DAG drawing.