SweaveBook {dafs}R Documentation

Sweave a set of files


Sweave more than one file at once. This is a helper function to Sweave all the chapters in Data Analysis for Forensic Scientists (DAFS) at once. I have put it into the library for completeness and in the hope that someone else might find it useful.


SweaveBook(idx = 0:6,
           fileList = paste(paste("Chapter", idx, "/", sep = ""),
                            paste("ch", idx, ".rnw", sep = ""),
                            sep = ""))



There seven chapters in Data Analysis for Forensic Scientists. Corresponding to each chapter is a folder named ChapterI where I is a number from 0 to 6, and an Sweave file named chI.rnw. This parameter lets the user select which subset of files need to be run through Sweave


This parameter may be altered to suit the structure of your book. By default it is set to create a list of files that have the same name and directory structure as DAFS. The function iterates over a set of file names specified by this parameter.


No values are returned


James Curran

See Also


[Package dafs version 1.0-38 Index]