Data Analysis for Forensic Scientists

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Documentation for package ‘dafs’ version 1.0-38

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abaz.df DNA from drinking containers
abduct.age.df Victim abduct and the age data
anneal.df Annealing float glass
anscombe.df Anscombe quartet
bennett.df Bennett data
bottle.df Bottle data
casework.df Casework RI data
cck196.df CCK-196G/A data
cck45.df CCK-45C/T data
docexam.df Misleading signatures data
dpd.df Deoxypyridinoline data
fiber.color.df Textile fibres in human hair data
fitPvalue Return the P-value from an F-test for a linear model
fmtST Format a number in scientific notation into LaTeX.
formatScientificTeX Format a number in scientific notation into LaTeX.
gc.df FBI-Gc data
ghb.df Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid data
gustafson.df Teeth data
halfnorm Produce a half normal plot
intPlot Modified Interactions Plot for Two-way Analysis of Variance
intPlot.default Modified Interactions Plot for Two-way Analysis of Variance
intPlot.formula Modified Interactions Plot for Two-way Analysis of Variance
jauhari1.df Pellet pattern data 1
jauhari2.df Pellet pattern data 2
kent.df Chest deflection tolerance
kerckring.df Kerckring data
last Return the last element of a vector.
liver.df Liver data
morphine.df Morphine concentration in heart and perpipheral blood samples
nasal.spline.df Nasal spine data
newton.df Glass strata data
nzglass.df New Zealand glass RI data
pairsDAFS Modified Pairwise Scatter Plots with Histograms and Correlations
palatal.df Palatal arch shape data
plotBoth Produce postscript and pdf images simulataneously
plotBoth.control Control over plotBoth function
plotRegDiagPlots Plot some standard regression diagnostic plots
printANODEVTable Print an analysis of deviance (ANODEV) table for a GLM
printANOVATable Print a ANOVA table for a Normal GLM
printCI Produce a formatted confidence interval
printRegTable Print a regression table
pvalue Formats an P-value figure for LaTeX
ri.calibration.df Combined calibration data
ri.calibration2.df GRIM2 calibration data
Rsq Formats an R-squared figure for LaTeX
salting1.df Salting out effects in forensic blood alcohol determination
salting2.df Salting out effects in forensic blood alcohol determination
sex.age.df Victims data
shadeDens Add a shaded region to a pdf plot
shotgun.df Shotgun data
squamous.df Occipital squamous bone data
StangleBook Stangle a set of files
SweaveBook Sweave a set of files
tryptase.df Tryptase data
velocity.df Calibration data
vhcdt.df Vitreous Humour Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
wong.df Glass fragments data