Automated Analysis of Multiplex Digital PCR Data

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Documentation for package ‘dPCP’ version 2.0.1

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centers_data Prediction of clusters centroid position
cmeans_clus Cluster analysis with fuzzy c-means algorithm
dbscan_combination Test eps and minPts combinations for DBSCAN analysis
dPCP Automated analysis of digital PCR data
export_csv Export dPCP analysis results to a csv file
manual_correction Manual correction of dPCP cluster analysis
plot.centers_data Prediction of clusters centroid position
plot.cmeans_clus Cluster analysis with fuzzy c-means algorithm
plot.dPCP Automated analysis of digital PCR data
plot.rain_reclus Identification and clustering of "rain" data
plot.reference_dbscan Find the empty partitions and single target clusters in the reference sample
rain_reclus Identification and clustering of "rain" data
read_reference Read reference files
read_sample Read sample files
read_sampleTable Read sample table
reference_dbscan Find the empty partitions and single target clusters in the reference sample
replicates_quant Calculation of targets concentration, pooling the sample replicates
report_dPCP Export dPCP analysis results to a pdf report
target_quant Calculation of targets concentration.