dens {cylcop}R Documentation

Density, Distribution, Random Number Generation and Quantiles of Kernel Density Estimates


Calculate the density (ddens()), the distribution (pdens()), the quantiles (qdens()) and generate random samples (rdens()) of a kernel density estimate as returned by fit_angle() or fit_steplength().


rdens(n, density)

ddens(x, density)

pdens(x, density)

qdens(p, density)



integer value, the number of random samples to be generated with rdens().


a 'density' object (for linear kernel density estimates) or a 'density.circular' object (for circular kernel density estimates) containing information about the kernel density estimate. These objects can be obtained using fit_angle(..., parametric = FALSE) or fit_steplength(..., parametric = FALSE).


numeric vector giving the points where the density or distribution function is evaluated.


numeric vector giving the probabilities where the quantile function is evaluated.


ddens() and pdens() give a vector of length length(x) containing the density or distribution function at the corresponding values of x. qdens() gives a vector of length length(p) containing the quantiles at the corresponding values of p. The function rdens() generates a vector of length n containing the random samples.

See Also

fit_angle(), fit_steplength(), fit_steplength().



steps <- rweibull(10, shape=3)
dens <- fit_steplength(x = steps, parametric = FALSE)
ddens(c(0.1,0.3), dens)
pdens(c(0.1,0.3), dens)
qdens(c(0.1,0.3), dens)
rdens(4, dens)

angles <- full2half_circ(
  circular::rvonmises(10, mu = circular::circular(0), kappa = 2)
dens <- fit_angle(theta = angles, parametric = FALSE)
ddens(c(0.1,0.3), dens)
pdens(c(0.1,0.3), dens)
qdens(c(0.1,0.3), dens)
rdens(4, dens)

[Package cylcop version 0.2.0 Index]