body_add_normal {crosstable}R Documentation

Add a new paragraph with default style


Add a new paragraph in an officer document with default style.
Variables can be inserted in the text as multiple strings (paste() style) or enclosed by braces (glue() style).
Basic markdown syntax is available: ⁠**bold**⁠, ⁠*italic*⁠, and ⁠_underlined_⁠.
References to any bookmark can be inserted using the syntax ⁠@ref(bookmark)⁠ and newlines can be inserted using the token ⁠<br>⁠.


  .sep = "",
  style = NULL,
  squish = TRUE,
  parse = c("ref", "format", "code")



the doc object (created with the read_docx function of officer package)


one or several character strings, pasted using .sep. As with glue::glue(), expressions enclosed by braces will be evaluated as R code. If more than one variable is passed, all should be of length 1.


Separator used to separate elements.


Style for normal text. Best set with crosstable_options().


Whether to squish the result (remove trailing and repeated spaces). Default to TRUE. Allows to add multiline paragraph without breaking the string.


which format to parse. Default to all formats (c("ref", "format", "code")).


a new doc object

The docx object doc

Markdown support

In all crosstable helpers for officer, you can use the following Markdown syntax to format your text:

Note that the font name depends on your system language. For instant, in French, it would be Symbol with an uppercase first letter.

See the last example of body_add_normal() for a practical case.


Dan Chaltiel



info_rows = c("Also, table iris has {nrow(iris)} rows.",
              "And table mtcars has {nrow(mtcars)} rows.")
doc = read_docx()  %>%
    body_add_normal("Table iris has", ncol(iris), "columns.", .sep=" ") %>% #paste style
    body_add_normal("However, table mtcars has {ncol(mtcars)} columns") %>% #glue style
    body_add_normal(info_rows)                                          %>% #vector style
doc = doc %>%
    body_add_normal("You can write text in *italic1*, _underlined1_, **bold1**, and `code`,
                    and you can also add * **references** *, for instance a ref to Table
                    @ref(my_table). Multiple spaces are ignored (squished) so that you
                    can enter multiline text.") %>%
    body_add_normal() %>%
    body_add_normal("Here I should use `body_add_crosstable()` to add a table before the
                     legend.") %>%
    body_add_table_legend("My pretty table", bookmark="my_table")

#Markdown support
read_docx() %>%
  body_add_normal("This is **bold and *italic* (see Table @ref(my_bkm)). ** <br> This is
                   **bold `console \\*CODE\\*` and *bold _and_ italic* **") %>%
  body_add_normal("This is <color:red>red **bold** text</color>, this is ~subscript *italic*~,
                   and this is ^superscript with <shade:yellow>yellow</shade>^") %>%
  body_add_normal("This is <ff:Alibi>a fancy font</ff> and this `is code`!!") %>%
              #you might need to change "Alibi" to "alibi" here
  body_add_normal() %>%
  body_add_table_legend("Some table legend", bookmark="my_bkm") %>%

[Package crosstable version 0.7.0 Index]