Crosstables for Descriptive Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘crosstable’ version 0.7.0

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apply_labels Batch set variable labels
as_gt Converts a 'crosstable' object into a formatted 'gt' table.
as_gt.crosstable Converts a 'crosstable' object into a formatted 'gt' table.
as_gt.default Converts a 'crosstable' object into a formatted 'gt' table.
as_workbook Converts a 'crosstable' object into a formatted, savable 'openxlsx' workbook.
body_add_crosstable Add a crosstable to an 'officer' document
body_add_crosstable_footnote Adds a standard footnote explaining the abbreviations used in a crosstable
body_add_crosstable_list Add a list of tables
body_add_figure_legend Add a legend to a table or a figure
body_add_flextable_list Add a list of tables
body_add_gg2 Alternative to 'officer::body_add_gg()' which uses 'ggplot' syntax
body_add_glued Add a new paragraph with default style
body_add_img2 Alternative to 'officer::body_add_img()' which adds a 'units' choice
body_add_legend Add a legend to a table or a figure
body_add_list Add a list to an 'officer' document
body_add_list_item Add a list to an 'officer' document
body_add_normal Add a new paragraph with default style
body_add_table_legend Add a legend to a table or a figure
body_add_table_list Add a list of tables
body_add_table_section Add a section with a table and its legend
body_add_title Add a title to an 'officer' document
body_replace_text_at_bkms Replace text on several bookmarks at once
clean_names_with_labels Cleans names of a dataframe while retaining old names as labels
compact Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
compact.crosstable Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting) Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
compact.default Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
confint_numeric Confidence interval of a numeric vector
copy_label_from Set the "label" attribute of an object
crosstable Easily describe datasets
crosstable_effect_args Default arguments for calculating and displaying effects in 'crosstable()'
crosstable_options Options for the package 'crosstable'
crosstable_peek_options See which 'crosstable' option is currently set.
crosstable_reset_options Reset all 'crosstable' options.
crosstable_test_args Default arguments for calculating and displaying tests in 'crosstable()'
cross_summary Summarize a numeric vector
ct_compact Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
ct_compact.crosstable Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting) Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
ct_compact.default Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
diff_mean_auto Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categorical variable
diff_mean_boot Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categorical variable
diff_mean_student Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categorical variable
diff_median Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categorical variable
diff_median_boot Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categorical variable
display_effect Default function to display the effect
display_test Default function to display a test result
docx_bookmarks2 List Word bookmarks, including the ones in header and footer
effect_odds_ratio Effect measure for association between two categorical variables
effect_relative_risk Effect measure for association between two categorical variables
effect_risk_difference Effect measure for association between two categorical variables
effect_summary Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categorical variable
effect_survival Effect measure for association between one censored variable and one categorical variable
effect_survival_coxph Effect measure for association between one censored variable and one categorical variable
effect_tabular Effect measure for association between two categorical variables
format_fixed Format numbers with the exact same number of decimals, including trailing zeros
generate_autofit_macro Generate a macro file for autofitting
get_label Get label if wanted and available, or default (name) otherwise
get_percent_pattern Percent pattern helper
import_labels Import labels
iris2 Modified 'iris' dataset
is.compacted_crosstable Test if an object is a crosstable
is.crosstable Test if an object is a crosstable
is.multiby_crosstable Test if an object is a crosstable
is.transposed_crosstable Test if an object is a crosstable
meanCI Summary functions
meansd Summary functions
mediqr Summary functions
minmax Summary functions
moystd Summary functions
mtcars2 Modified 'mtcars' dataset
N Return the number of non NA observations
na Return the number of NA observations
narm Remove missing values
nna Summary functions
peek Open a 'crosstable' in a temporary document
pivot_crosstable Pivot a crosstable
plim Format p values (alternative to 'format.pval()')
remove_label Remove all label attributes.
remove_labels Remove all label attributes.
rename_dataframe_with_labels Rename every column of a dataframe with its label
rename_with_labels Rename every column of a dataframe with its label
save_labels Import labels
set_label Set the "label" attribute of an object
summaryFunctions Summary functions
t.crosstable Transpose a crosstable
test_args Default arguments for calculating and displaying tests in 'crosstable()'
test_correlation_auto test for correlation coefficients
test_summarize_auto test for mean comparison
test_summarize_linear_contrasts Test for linear trend across ordered factor with contrasts
test_survival_logrank test for survival comparison
test_tabular_auto test for contingency table
transpose_crosstable Transpose a crosstable
write_and_open Alternative to default 'officer' print() function. Write the file and try to open it right away.