ssh_credentials {credentials}R Documentation

Managing Your SSH Key


Utility functions to find or generate your SSH key for use with git remotes or other ssh servers.


ssh_key_info(host = NULL, auto_keygen = NA)

ssh_keygen(file = ssh_home("id_ecdsa"))


ssh_home(file = NULL)

ssh_agent_add(file = NULL)

ssh_update_passphrase(file = ssh_home("id_rsa"))

ssh_read_key(file = ssh_home("id_rsa"), password = askpass)



target host (only matters if you have configured specific keys per host)


if TRUE automatically generates a key if none exists yet. Default NA is to prompt the user what to.


destination path of the private key. For the public key, .pub is appended to the filename.


a passphrase or callback function


Use ssh_key_info() to find the appropriate key file on your system to connect with a given target host. In most cases this will simply be ssh_home('id_rsa') unless you have configured ssh to use specific keys for specific hosts.

To use your key to authenticate with GitHub, copy the pubkey from ssh_key_info() to your profile:

If this is the first time you use ssh, ssh_keygen can help generate a key and save it in the default location. This will also automatically opens the above Github page in your browser where you can add the key to your profile.

ssh_read_key reads a private key and caches the result (in memory) for the duration of the R session. This prevents having to enter the key passphrase many times. Only use this if ssh-agent is not available (i.e. Windows)

See Also

Other credentials: http_credentials

[Package credentials version 2.0.1 Index]