Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials

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Documentation for package ‘credentials’ version 2.0.1

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credentials Load and store git HTTPS credentials
credential_api Retrieve and store git HTTPS credentials
credential_approve Retrieve and store git HTTPS credentials
credential_fill Retrieve and store git HTTPS credentials
credential_helper Credential Helpers
credential_helper_get Credential Helpers
credential_helper_list Credential Helpers
credential_helper_set Credential Helpers
credential_reject Retrieve and store git HTTPS credentials
git_credential_ask Load and store git HTTPS credentials
git_credential_forget Load and store git HTTPS credentials
git_credential_update Load and store git HTTPS credentials
http_credentials Load and store git HTTPS credentials
set_github_pat Set your Github Personal Access Token
ssh_agent_add Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_credentials Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_home Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_keygen Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_key_info Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_read_key Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_setup_github Managing Your SSH Key
ssh_update_passphrase Managing Your SSH Key