Censored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticity

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Documentation for package ‘crch’ version 1.1-2

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-- C --

cdf.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
cdf.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
cdf.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
cdf.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
cdf.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
cdf.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
coef.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
coef.crch.boost Methods for boosted CRCH Objects
coef.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects
crch Censored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticy
crch.boost Auxiliary functions to fit 'crch' models via boosting.
crch.boost.fit Auxiliary functions to fit 'crch' models via boosting.
crch.control Auxiliary Function for Controlling crch Fitting
crch.fit Censored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticy
crch.stabsel Auxiliary functions to perform stability selection using boosting.
crps.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
crps.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
crps.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
crps.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
crps.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
crps.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
crps.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- D --

dclogis The Censored Logistic Distribution
dcnorm The Censored Normal Distribution
dct The Censored Student-t Distribution
dtlogis The Truncated Logistic Distribution
dtnorm The Truncated Normal Distribution
dtt The Truncated Student-t Distribution

-- E --

estfun.crch Methods for CRCH Objects

-- F --

fitted.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
fitted.hxlr Predict/Fitted Values for HXLR Fits

-- G --

getSummary.crch Methods for CRCH Objects

-- H --

hxlr Heteroscedastic Extended Logistic Regression
hxlr.control Auxiliary Function for Controlling HXLR Fitting

-- I --

is_continuous.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
is_continuous.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
is_continuous.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
is_continuous.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
is_continuous.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
is_continuous.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
is_discrete.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
is_discrete.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
is_discrete.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
is_discrete.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
is_discrete.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
is_discrete.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- K --

kurtosis.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
kurtosis.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
kurtosis.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
kurtosis.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
kurtosis.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
kurtosis.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- L --

logLik.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
logLik.crch.boost Methods for boosted CRCH Objects
logLik.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects
log_pdf.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
log_pdf.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
log_pdf.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
log_pdf.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
log_pdf.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
log_pdf.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- M --

mean.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
mean.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
mean.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
mean.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
mean.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
mean.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
model.frame.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
model.matrix.crch Methods for CRCH Objects

-- P --

pclogis The Censored Logistic Distribution
pcnorm The Censored Normal Distribution
pct The Censored Student-t Distribution
pdf.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
pdf.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
pdf.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
pdf.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
pdf.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
pdf.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
plot.crch.boost Plot coefficient paths of boosted CRCH objects.
predict.crch Predicted/Fitted Values for CRCH Fits
predict.crch.boost Predicted/Fitted Values for boosted CRCH Fits
predict.hxlr Predict/Fitted Values for HXLR Fits
print.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
print.crch.boost Methods for boosted CRCH Objects
print.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects
print.summary.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
print.summary.crch.boost Methods for boosted CRCH Objects
print.summary.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects
prodist.crch Predicted/Fitted Values for CRCH Fits
ptlogis The Truncated Logistic Distribution
ptnorm The Truncated Normal Distribution
ptt The Truncated Student-t Distribution

-- Q --

qclogis The Censored Logistic Distribution
qcnorm The Censored Normal Distribution
qct The Censored Student-t Distribution
qtlogis The Truncated Logistic Distribution
qtnorm The Truncated Normal Distribution
qtt The Truncated Student-t Distribution
quantile.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
quantile.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
quantile.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
quantile.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
quantile.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
quantile.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- R --

RainIbk Precipitation Observations and Forecasts for Innsbruck
random.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
random.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
random.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
random.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
random.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
random.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
rclogis The Censored Logistic Distribution
rcnorm The Censored Normal Distribution
rct The Censored Student-t Distribution
residuals.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
rtlogis The Truncated Logistic Distribution
rtnorm The Truncated Normal Distribution
rtt The Truncated Student-t Distribution

-- S --

skewness.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
skewness.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
skewness.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
skewness.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
skewness.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
skewness.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
summary.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
summary.crch.boost Methods for boosted CRCH Objects
summary.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects
support.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
support.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
support.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
support.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
support.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
support.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- T --

terms.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
terms.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects
trch Censored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticy
TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution

-- V --

variance.CensoredLogistic Create a Censored Logistic Distribution
variance.CensoredNormal Create a Censored Normal Distribution
variance.CensoredStudentsT Create a Censored Student's T Distribution
variance.TruncatedLogistic Create a Truncated Logistic Distribution
variance.TruncatedNormal Create a Truncated Normal Distribution
variance.TruncatedStudentsT Create a Truncated Student's T Distribution
vcov.crch Methods for CRCH Objects
vcov.hxlr Methods for HXLR Objects