boxsteffensmeier {coxed}R Documentation

Data from "A Dynamic Analysis of The Role of War Chests in Campaign Strategy" by Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier


The data cover 397 races for the United States House of Representatives in which an incumbent ran for reelection in 1990.




A data frame with 1376 observations and 8 variables:

caseid ID number
start Beginning of the measured time interval, in weeks
te Time to challenger entry (end of the time interval), in weeks
ec The amount of money (in millions of USD) the incumbent has in reserve
dem 1 if the incumbent is a Democrat, 0 if the incumbent is a Republican
south 1 if the district is in the south, 0 else
iv Prior vote percent
cut_hi Indicates whether or not a high quality challenger enters the race (censoring variable)


Box-Steffensmeier, J. M. (1996) A Dynamic Analysis of The Role of War Chests in Campaign Strategy. American Journal of Political Science 40 352-371

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