Duration-Based Quantities of Interest for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model

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Documentation for package ‘coxed’ version 0.3.3

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coxed-package Duration-Based Quantities of Interest and Simulation Methods for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model
baseline.build Generate simulated baseline hazard, cumulative hazard, survival, failure PDF, and failure CDF functions
baseline.plot Plot the simulated baseline functions
bca Bias-corrected and accelerated confidence intervals
bootcov2 Boostrapping algorithm for 'coxed'
boxsteffensmeier Data from "A Dynamic Analysis of The Role of War Chests in Campaign Strategy" by Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier
censor.x Generate right-censoring to be dependent on the data
coxed Expected durations and marginal changes in expected duration from the Cox proportional hazards model
coxed.gam Predict expected durations using the GAM method
coxed.gam.tvc Predict expected durations using the GAM method with time-varying covariates
coxed.npsf Predict expected durations using the GAM method
coxed.npsf.tvc Predict expected durations using the GAM method with time-varying covariates
data.plot Plot the histograms of simulated data
generate.lm Generate simulated durations using a baseline survivor function and proportional hazards
make.margeffect Calculating a simulated marginal effect
martinvanberg Data from "Wasting Time? The Impact of Ideology and Size on Delay in Coalition Formation" by Lanny W. Martin and Georg Vanberg
rank.predict Generate predicted ranks for new observations given a new covariate profile
sim.survdata Simulating duration data for the Cox proportional hazards model
summary.coxedExpdur The mean or median expected duration
summary.coxedMargin Marginal changes in expected duration
survsim.plot Plot the simulated baseline functions and histograms of simulated data
user.baseline Calculating baseline functions from a user-specified baseline hazard function