Covariance Matrix Tests

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Documentation for package ‘covTestR’ version 0.1.4

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covTestR-package Covariance Matrix Testing Functions
Ahmad2015 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
Ahmad2017 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
BoxesM Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
Chaipitak2013 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
Chen2010 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
Fisher2012 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
homogeneityCovariances Test Wrapper for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
homogeneityStatistics Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
Ishii2016 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
LedoitWolf2002 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
Nagao1973 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
Schott2001 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
Schott2007 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
Srivastava2005 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
Srivastava2007 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
Srivastava2011 Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices
Srivastava2014 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
SrivastavaYanagihara2010 Tests for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
structureCovariances Test Wrapper for Structure of a Covariance Matrices
structureStatistics Tests for Structure of Covariance Matrices