Convolute Probabilistic Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘convdistr’ version 1.6.2

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*.DISTRIBUTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
+.DISTRIBUTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
-.DISTRIBUTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
/.DISTRIBUTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
add_total Adds a total dimension
BETA Factory for a BETA distribution object
BETABINOMIAL Factory for a BETABINOMIAL distribution object
BINOMIAL Factory for a BINOMIAL distribution object
cinqnum cinqnum
cinqnum.DIRAC cinqnum
cinqnum.DISTRIBUTION cinqnum
cinqnum.NA cinqnum
CONVOLUTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
CONVOLUTION_assoc Convolution with association of dimensions
CONVOLUTION_comb Convolution with combination of dimensions
DIRAC Factory for a DIRAC distribution object
DIRICHLET Factory for a DIRICHLET distribution object
DISCRETE Factory for a DISCRETE distribution object
DISTRIBUTION_factory A factory of 'DISTRIBUTION' classes
EXPONENTIAL Factory for a EXPONENTIAL distribution using confidence intervals
fitbeta Fits a beta distribution based on quantiles
fitbeta_ml Fits a beta distribution based on quantiles
fitdirichlet Fits a Dirichlet distribution,
ggDISTRIBUTION Plot of 'DISTRIBUTION' objects using 'ggplot2'
LOGNORMAL Factory for a LOGNORMAL distribution object
metadata Metadata for a DISTRIBUTION
metadata.default Metadata for a DISTRIBUTION
NA_DISTRIBUTION Factory for a NA distribution object
new_BETA Factory for a BETA distribution object
new_BETABINOMIAL Factory for a BETABINOMIAL distribution object
new_BETABINOMIAL_icc Factory for a BETABINOMIAL distribution object
new_BETABINOMIAL_od Factory for a BETABINOMIAL distribution object
new_BETA_lci Factory for a BETA distribution object
new_BETA_lci2 Factory for a BETA distribution object
new_BINOMIAL Factory for a BINOMIAL distribution object
new_CONVOLUTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
new_CONVOLUTION_assoc Convolution with association of dimensions
new_CONVOLUTION_comb Convolution with combination of dimensions
new_DIRAC Factory for a DIRAC distribution object
new_DIRICHLET Factory for a DIRICHLET distribution object
new_DISCRETE Factory for a DISCRETE distribution object
new_DIVISION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
new_DIVISION_assoc Convolution with association of dimensions
new_DIVISION_comb Convolution with combination of dimensions
new_EXPONENTIAL Factory for a EXPONENTIAL distribution using confidence intervals
new_LOGNORMAL Factory for a LOGNORMAL distribution object
new_MIXTURE Mixture of 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
new_MULTINORMAL Multivariate Normal Distribution
new_MULTIPLICATION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
new_MULTIPLICATION_assoc Convolution with association of dimensions
new_MULTIPLICATION_comb Convolution with combination of dimensions
new_NA Factory for a NA distribution object
new_NORMAL Factory for a NORMAL distribution object
new_POISSON Factory for a POISSON distribution using confidence intervals
new_SUBTRACTION Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
new_SUBTRACTION_assoc Convolution with association of dimensions
new_SUBTRACTION_comb Convolution with combination of dimensions
new_SUM Make the convolution of two or more 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
new_SUM_assoc Convolution with association of dimensions
new_SUM_comb Convolution with combination of dimensions
new_TRIANGULAR Factory for a TRIANGULAR distribution object
new_TRUNCATED Factory for a TRUNCATED distribution object
new_UNIFORM Factory for a UNIFORM distribution object
NORMAL Factory for a NORMAL distribution object
omit_NA Omit 'NA' distributions from a list of distributions
plot.DISTRIBUTION plot of 'DISTRIBUTION' objects
POISSON Factory for a POISSON distribution using confidence intervals
restrict_environment Build a new function with a smaller environment
rfunc Generate random numbers from a 'DISTRIBUTION' object
rfunc.default Default function
rfunc.DISTRIBUTION Generic function for a 'DISTRIBUTION' object
same_dimensions Check the dimensions of a list of distributions
set_seed Modify a the seed of a Distribution object
summary.DISTRIBUTION Summary of Distributions
TRIANGULAR Factory for a TRIANGULAR distribution object
TRUNCATED Factory for a TRUNCATED distribution object
UNIFORM Factory for a UNIFORM distribution object