opts_environment {constructive}R Documentation

Constructive options for type 'environment'


Environments use reference semantics, they cannot be copied. An attempt to copy an environment would indeed yield a different environment and identical(env, copy) would be FALSE.
Moreover most environments have a parent (exceptions are emptyenv() and some rare cases where the parent is NULL) and thus to copy the environment we'd have to have a way to point to the parent, or copy it too.
For this reason environments are constructive's cryptonite. They make some objects impossible to reproduce exactly. And since every function or formula has one they're hard to avoid.


  constructor = c(".env", "list2env", "as.environment", "new.env", "topenv",
    "new_environment", "predefine"),
  recurse = FALSE



String. Name of the function used to construct the environment, see Constructors section.


Additional options used by user defined constructors through the opts object


Boolean. Only considered if constructor is "list2env" or "new_environment". Whether to attempt to recreate all parent environments until a known environment is found, if FALSE (the default) we will use topenv() to find a known ancestor to set as the parent.


In some case we can build code that points to a specific environment, namely:

By default For other environments we use constructive's function constructive::.env(), it fetches the environment from its memory address and provides as additional information the sequence of parents until we reach a special environment (those enumerated above). The advantage of this approach is that it's readable and that the object is accurately reproduced. The inconvenient is that it's not stable between sessions. If an environment has a NULL parent it's always constructed with constructive::.env(), whatever the choice of the constructor.

Often however we wish to be able to reproduce from scratch a similar environment, so that we might run the constructed code later in a new session. We offer different different options to do this, with different trade-offs regarding accuracy and verbosity.

{constructive} will not signal any difference if it can reproduce an equivalent environment, defined as containing the same values and having a same or equivalent parent.

See also the ignore_function_env argument in ?compare_options, which disables the check of environments of function.


An object of class <constructive_options/constructive_options_environment>


We might set the constructor argument to:

[Package constructive version 1.0.1 Index]