opts_array |
Constructive options for arrays |
opts_AsIs |
Constructive options for the class 'AsIs' |
opts_atomic |
Constructive options for atomic types |
opts_bibentry |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_blob |
Constructive options for class 'blob' |
opts_character |
Constructive options for type 'character' |
opts_citationFooter |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_citationHeader |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_classGeneratorFunction |
Constructive options for class 'classGeneratorFunction' |
opts_classPrototypeDef |
Constructive options for class 'classPrototypeDef' |
opts_classRepresentation |
Constructive options for class 'classRepresentation' |
opts_complex |
Constructive options for type 'complex' |
opts_constructive_options |
Constructive options for the class 'constructive_options' |
opts_CoordCartesian |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordFixed |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordFlip |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordMap |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordMunch |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordPolar |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordQuickmap |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordSf |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_CoordTrans |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_data.frame |
Constructive options for class 'data.frame' |
opts_data.table |
Constructive options for class 'data.table' |
opts_Date |
Constructive options class 'Date' |
opts_difftime |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_dm |
Constructive options class 'dm' |
opts_dots |
Constructive options for type '...' |
opts_double |
Constructive options for type 'double' |
opts_element_blank |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_element_grob |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_element_line |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_element_rect |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_element_render |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_element_text |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_environment |
Constructive options for type 'environment' |
opts_error |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_expression |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_externalptr |
Constructive options for type 'externalptr' |
opts_FacetWrap |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_factor |
Constructive options for class 'factor' |
opts_formula |
Constructive options for formulas |
opts_function |
Constructive options for functions |
opts_ggplot |
Constructive options for class 'ggplot' |
opts_ggproto |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_grouped_df |
Constructive options for class 'grouped_df' |
opts_hexmode |
Constructive options for class 'hexmode' |
opts_integer |
Constructive options for type 'integer' |
opts_integer64 |
Constructive options for class 'integer64' |
opts_labels |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_language |
Constructive options for type 'language' |
opts_Layer |
Constructive options for class 'Layer' (ggplot2) |
opts_list |
Constructive options for type 'list' |
opts_logical |
Constructive options for type 'logical' |
opts_margin |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_matrix |
Constructive options for matrices |
opts_mts |
Constructive options for time-series objets |
opts_noquote |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_NULL |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_numeric_version |
Constructive options for numeric_version |
opts_octmode |
Constructive options for class 'octmode' |
opts_ordered |
Constructive options for class 'ordered' |
opts_package_version |
Constructive options for package_version |
opts_pairlist |
Constructive options for pairlists |
opts_person |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_POSIXct |
Constructive options for class 'POSIXct' |
opts_POSIXlt |
Constructive options for class 'POSIXlt' |
opts_quosure |
Constructive options for class 'quosure' |
opts_quosures |
Constructive options for class 'quosures' |
opts_raw |
Constructive options for type 'raw' |
opts_rel |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_rowwise_df |
Constructive options for class 'rowwise_df' |
opts_R_system_version |
Constructive options for R_system_version |
opts_S4 |
Constructive options for class 'S4' |
opts_Scale |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_ScalesList |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_simpleCondition |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_simpleError |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_simpleMessage |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_simpleUnit |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_simpleWarning |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_tbl_df |
Constructive options for tibbles |
opts_theme |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_ts |
Constructive options for time-series objets |
opts_uneval |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_vctrs_list_of |
Constructive options for class 'data.table' |
opts_waiver |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_warning |
Other Opts Functions |
opts_weakref |
Constructive options for the class 'weakref' |
other-opts |
Other Opts Functions |