Display Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R Objects

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Documentation for package ‘constructive’ version 1.0.1

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C D E O T misc

-- C --

compare_options Options for waldo::compare
construct Build code to recreate an object
constructive-global_options Global Options
constructive_opts_template Global Options
constructive_pretty Global Options
constructive_print_mode Global Options
construct_base Construct using only low level constructors
construct_clip Construct to clipboard
construct_diff Display diff of object definitions
construct_dput Construct using only low level constructors
construct_dump Dump Constructed Code to a File
construct_issues Show constructive issues
construct_multi Build code to recreate an object
construct_reprex construct_reprex
construct_signature Construct a function's signature

-- D --

deparse_call Deparse a language object

-- E --

extend-constructive Extend constructive

-- O --

opts_array Constructive options for arrays
opts_AsIs Constructive options for the class 'AsIs'
opts_atomic Constructive options for atomic types
opts_bibentry Other Opts Functions
opts_blob Constructive options for class 'blob'
opts_character Constructive options for type 'character'
opts_citationFooter Other Opts Functions
opts_citationHeader Other Opts Functions
opts_classGeneratorFunction Constructive options for class 'classGeneratorFunction'
opts_classPrototypeDef Constructive options for class 'classPrototypeDef'
opts_classRepresentation Constructive options for class 'classRepresentation'
opts_complex Constructive options for type 'complex'
opts_constructive_options Constructive options for the class 'constructive_options'
opts_CoordCartesian Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordFixed Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordFlip Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordMap Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordMunch Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordPolar Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordQuickmap Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordSf Other Opts Functions
opts_CoordTrans Other Opts Functions
opts_data.frame Constructive options for class 'data.frame'
opts_data.table Constructive options for class 'data.table'
opts_Date Constructive options class 'Date'
opts_difftime Other Opts Functions
opts_dm Constructive options class 'dm'
opts_dots Constructive options for type '...'
opts_double Constructive options for type 'double'
opts_element_blank Other Opts Functions
opts_element_grob Other Opts Functions
opts_element_line Other Opts Functions
opts_element_rect Other Opts Functions
opts_element_render Other Opts Functions
opts_element_text Other Opts Functions
opts_environment Constructive options for type 'environment'
opts_error Other Opts Functions
opts_expression Other Opts Functions
opts_externalptr Constructive options for type 'externalptr'
opts_FacetWrap Other Opts Functions
opts_factor Constructive options for class 'factor'
opts_formula Constructive options for formulas
opts_function Constructive options for functions
opts_ggplot Constructive options for class 'ggplot'
opts_ggproto Other Opts Functions
opts_grouped_df Constructive options for class 'grouped_df'
opts_hexmode Constructive options for class 'hexmode'
opts_integer Constructive options for type 'integer'
opts_integer64 Constructive options for class 'integer64'
opts_labels Other Opts Functions
opts_language Constructive options for type 'language'
opts_Layer Constructive options for class 'Layer' (ggplot2)
opts_list Constructive options for type 'list'
opts_logical Constructive options for type 'logical'
opts_margin Other Opts Functions
opts_matrix Constructive options for matrices
opts_mts Constructive options for time-series objets
opts_noquote Other Opts Functions
opts_NULL Other Opts Functions
opts_numeric_version Constructive options for numeric_version
opts_octmode Constructive options for class 'octmode'
opts_ordered Constructive options for class 'ordered'
opts_package_version Constructive options for package_version
opts_pairlist Constructive options for pairlists
opts_person Other Opts Functions
opts_POSIXct Constructive options for class 'POSIXct'
opts_POSIXlt Constructive options for class 'POSIXlt'
opts_quosure Constructive options for class 'quosure'
opts_quosures Constructive options for class 'quosures'
opts_raw Constructive options for type 'raw'
opts_rel Other Opts Functions
opts_rowwise_df Constructive options for class 'rowwise_df'
opts_R_system_version Constructive options for R_system_version
opts_S4 Constructive options for class 'S4'
opts_Scale Other Opts Functions
opts_ScalesList Other Opts Functions
opts_simpleCondition Other Opts Functions
opts_simpleError Other Opts Functions
opts_simpleMessage Other Opts Functions
opts_simpleUnit Other Opts Functions
opts_simpleWarning Other Opts Functions
opts_tbl_df Constructive options for tibbles
opts_theme Other Opts Functions
opts_ts Constructive options for time-series objets
opts_uneval Other Opts Functions
opts_vctrs_list_of Constructive options for class 'data.table'
opts_waiver Other Opts Functions
opts_warning Other Opts Functions
opts_weakref Constructive options for the class 'weakref'
other-opts Other Opts Functions

-- T --

templates Extend constructive

-- misc --

.cstr_apply .cstr_apply
.cstr_combine_errors Combine errors
.cstr_construct Generic for object code generation
.cstr_fetch_opts Fetch constructive options
.cstr_new_class Extend constructive
.cstr_new_constructor Extend constructive
.cstr_options Create constructive options
.cstr_pipe Insert a pipe between two calls
.cstr_repair_attributes Repair attributes after idiomatic construction
.cstr_wrap Wrap argument code in function call
.env Fetch environment from memory address
.xptr Build a pointer from a memory address