Algorithms for Fitting Circles, Ellipses and Conics Based on the Work by Prof. Nikolai Chernov

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Documentation for package ‘conicfit’ version 1.0.4

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AtoG Conversion of algebraic parameters to geometric parameters
calculateCircle Generate points from a circle
calculateEllipse Generate points from a ellipse
CircleFitByKasa Algebraic circle fit (Kasa method)
CircleFitByLandau Geometric circle fit (minimizing orthogonal distances) by Landau algorithm
CircleFitByPratt Algebraic circle fit by Pratt
CircleFitBySpath Geometric circle fit by Spath
CircleFitByTaubin Algebraic circle fit (Taubin method)
conic2parametric Linear ellipse fit using bookstein constraint
ellipse.l Formulas for the ellipse
EllipseDirectFit Algebraic ellipse fit method by Fitzgibbon-Pilu-Fisher
ellipseEccentricity Formulas for the ellipse
EllipseFitByTaubin Algebraic ellipse fit by Taubin
ellipseFocus Formulas for the ellipse
ellipseRa Formulas for the ellipse
ellipseRp Formulas for the ellipse
ellipticity Formulas for the ellipse
estimateInitialGuessCircle Estimate Initial Guess Circle values
fit.conicLMA Fitting a conic to a given set of points (Implicit method)
fit.ellipseLMG Fitting an ellipse using Implicit method
fit.ellipseLMG.H Fitting an ellipse using Implicit method
fitbookstein Linear ellipse fit using bookstein constraint
fitggk Linear ellipse fit using bookstein constraint
GtoA Conversion of geometric parameters to algebraic parameters
JmatrixLMA Compute the Jacobian matrix using algebraic parameters
JmatrixLMG Compute the Jacobian matrix using geometric parameters
LMcircleFit Geometric circle fit (minimizing orthogonal distances) based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method
LMreducedCircleFit Geometric circle fit (minimizing orthogonal distances) based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method
Residuals.ellipse Projecting a given set of points onto an ellipse
Residuals.hyperbola Projecting a given set of points onto an hyperbola
Residuals.parabola Projecting a given set of points onto an parabola
ResidualsG Projecting a given set of points onto an ellipse