ci_chisq_ncp | CI for the NCP of the Chi-Squared Distribution |
ci_cor | CI for Correlation Coefficients |
ci_cramersv | CI for the Population Cramer's V |
ci_f_ncp | CI for the Non-Centrality Parameter of the F Distribution |
ci_IQR | CI for the IQR |
ci_kurtosis | CI for the Kurtosis |
ci_mad | CI for the MAD |
ci_mean | CI for the Population Mean |
ci_mean_diff | CI for the Population Mean Difference |
ci_median | CI for the Population Median |
ci_median_diff | CI for the Population Median Difference of two Samples |
ci_oddsratio | CI for the Odds Ratio |
ci_proportion | CI for a Population Proportion |
ci_quantile | CI for a Population Quantile |
ci_quantile_diff | CI for the Population Quantile Difference of two Samples |
ci_rsquared | CI for the Population R-Squared |
ci_sd | CI for the Population Std |
ci_skewness | CI for the Skewness |
ci_var | CI for the Population Variance |
cramersv | Cramer's V |
is.cint | Type Check |
kurtosis | Pearson's Measure of Kurtosis |
moment | Sample Moments |
oddsratio | Odds Ratio |
print.cint | Print "cint" Object |
se | Standard errors |
se_mean | Standard errors |
se_mean_diff | Standard errors |
se_proportion | Standard errors |
se_var | Standard errors |
skewness | Sample Skewness |