crplot {conf}R Documentation

Plotting Two-Dimensional Confidence Regions


Plotting a two-dimensional confidence region for probability distribution parameters (supported distribution suffixes: cauchy, gamma, invgauss, lnorm, llogis, logis, norm, unif, weibull) corresponding to a user given complete or right-censored dataset and level of significance. See the CRAN website for a link to two crplot vignettes.


crplot(dataset, alpha, distn,
                cen       = rep(1, length(dataset)),
                heuristic = 1,
                maxdeg    = 5,
                ellipse_n = 4,
                pts       = TRUE,
                mlelab    = TRUE,
                sf        = NULL,
                mar       = c(4, 4.5, 2, 1.5),
                xyswap    = FALSE,
                xlab      = "",
                ylab      = "",
                main      = "",
                xlas      = 0,
                ylas      = 0,
                origin    = FALSE,
                xlim      = NULL,
                ylim      = NULL,
                tol       = .Machine$double.eps ^ 1,
                info      = FALSE,
                maxcount  = 30,
                repair    = TRUE,
                jumpshift = 0.5,
                jumpuphill = min(alpha, 0.01),
                jumpinfo  = FALSE,
                showjump  = FALSE,
                showplot  = TRUE,
                animate   = FALSE,
                delay     = 0.5,
                exact     = FALSE,
                silent    = FALSE )



a vector of n data values.


significance level; resulting plot illustrates a 100(1 - alpha)% confidence region.


distribution to fit the dataset to; accepted values: 'cauchy', 'gamma', 'invgauss', 'logis', 'llogis', 'lnorm', 'norm', 'unif', 'weibull'.


a vector of binary values specifying if the corresponding data values are right-censored (0), or observed (1, default); its length must match length(dataset).


numeric value selecting method for plotting: 0 for elliptic-oriented point distribution, and 1 for smoothing boundary search heuristic.


maximum angle tolerance between consecutive plot segments in degrees.


number of roughly equidistant confidence region points to plot using the elliptic-oriented point distribution (must be a multiple of four because its algorithm exploits symmetry in the quadrants of an ellipse).


displays confidence region boundary points identified if TRUE.


logical argument to include the maximum likelihood estimate coordinate point (default is TRUE).


significant figures in axes labels specified using sf = c(x, y), where x and y represent the optional digits argument in the R function round as it pertains to the horizontal and vertical labels.


specifies margin values for par(mar = c( )) (see mar in par).


logical argument to switch the axes that the distribution parameter are shown.


string specifying the x axis label.


string specifying the y axis label.


string specifying the plot title.


numeric value of 0, 1, 2, or 3 specifying the style of axis labels (see las in par).


numeric value of 0, 1, 2, or 3 specifying the style of axis labels (see las in par).


logical argument to include the plot origin (default is FALSE).


two-element vector containing horizontal axis minimum and maximum values.


two-element vector containing vertical axis minimum and maximum values.


the uniroot parameter specifying its required accuracy.


logical argument to return plot information: MLE is returned as a list; (x, y) plot point coordinates and corresponding phi angles (with respect to MLE) are returned as a list.


integer value specifying the number of smoothing search iterations before terminating with maxdeg not met.


logical argument to repair regions inaccessible using a radial angle from its MLE due to multiple roots at select ϕ\phi angles.


see vignette "conf Advanced Options" for details; location (as a fractional value between 0 and 1) along the vertical or horizontal "gap" (near an uncharted region) to locate a jump-center toward; can be either a scalar value (uniformly applied to all jump-centers) or vector of length four (with unique values for its respective quadrants, relative to the MLE).


see vignette "conf Advanced Options" for details; significance level increase to alpha for the jump-center (corresponds to an "uphill" location on its likelihood function); can be either a scalar value (uniformly applied to all jump-centers) or vector of length four (with unique values for its respective quadrants, relative to the MLE).


logical argument to return plot info (see info argument) and jump-center info; returned within 'repair' attribute are jumpuphill value, jumpshift value, "|" or "-" gap type, jump-center(s) coordinates, and coordinates of points left & right of the inaccessible region.


logical argument specifying if jump-center repair reference points appear on the confidence region plot.


logical argument specifying if a plot is output; altering from its default of TRUE is only logical assuming crplot is run for its data only (see the info argument).


logical argument specifying if an animated plot build will display; the annimation sequence is given in successive plots.


numeric value of delay (in seconds) between successive plots when animate = TRUE.


logical argument specifying if alpha value is adjusted to compensate for negative coverage bias to achieve (1 - alpha) coverage probability using previously recorded Monte Carlo simulation results; available for limited values of alpha (roughly <= 0.2–0.3), n (typically n = 4, 5, ..., 50) and distributions (distn suffixes: weibull, llogis, norm).


logical argument specifying if console output should be suppressed.


This function plots a confidence region for a variety of two-parameter distributions. It requires:

Plots display according to probability density function parameterization given later in this section. Two heuristics (and their associated combination) are available to plot confidence regions. Along with their descriptions, they are:

  1. Smoothing Boundary Search Heuristic (default). This heuristic plots more points in areas of greater curvature to ensure a smooth appearance throughout the confidence region boundary. Its maxdeg parameter specifies the maximum tolerable angle between three successive points. Lower values of maxdeg result in smoother plots, and its default value of 5 degrees provides adequate smoothing in most circumstances. Values of maxdeg \le 3 are not recommended due to their complicating implications to trigonometric numerical approximations near 0 and 1; their use may result in plot errors.

  2. Elliptic-Oriented Point Distribution. This heuristic allows the user to specify a number of points to plot along the confidence region boundary at roughly uniform intervals. Its name is derived from the technique it uses to choose these points—an extension of the Steiner generation of a non-degenerate conic section, also known as the parallelogram method—which identifies points along an ellipse that are approximately equidistant. To exploit the computational benefits of ellipse symmetry over its four quadrants, ellipse_n value must be divisible by four.

By default, crplot implements the smoothing boundary search heuristic. Alternatively, the user can plot using the elliptic-oriented point distribution algorithm, or a combination of them both. Combining the two techniques initializes the plot using the elliptic-oriented point distribution algorithm, and then subsequently populates additional points in areas of high curvature (those outside of the maximum angle tolerance parameterization) in accordance with the smoothing boundary search heuristic. This combination results when the smoothing boundary search heuristic is specified in conjunction with an ellipse_n value greater than four.

Both of the aforementioned heuristics use a radial profile log likelihood function to identify points along the confidence region boundary. It cuts the log likelihood function in a directional azimuth from its MLE, and locates the associated confidence region boundary point using the asymptotic results associated with the ratio test statistic 2[logL(θ)logL(θ^)]-2 [\log L(\theta) - \log L(\hat{\theta})] which converges in distribution to the chi-square distribution with two degrees of freedom (for a two parameter distribution).

The default axes convention in use by crplot are

Horizontal Vertical
Distribution Axis Axis
Cauchy aa ss
gamma θ\theta κ\kappa
inverse Gaussian μ\mu λ\lambda
log logistic λ\lambda κ\kappa
log normal μ\mu σ\sigma
logistic μ\mu σ\sigma
normal μ\mu σ\sigma
uniform aa bb
Weibull κ\kappa λ\lambda

where each respective distribution is defined below.


If the optional argument info = TRUE is included then a list is returned with:

*Note: "param1" and "param2" are placeholders that will be replaced with the appropriate parameter names based on the probability distribution.


Christopher Weld (

Lawrence Leemis (


A. Jaeger (2016), "Computation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Confidence Regions with the Likelihood Ratio", The American Statistician, 49, 48–53.

C. Weld, A. Loh, L. Leemis (2020), "Plotting Two-Dimensional Confidence Regions", The American Statistician, Volume 72, Number 2, 156–168.

See Also

coversim, uniroot


## plot the 95% confidence region for Weibull shape and scale parameters
## corresponding to the given ballbearing dataset
ballbearing <- c(17.88, 28.92, 33.00, 41.52, 42.12, 45.60, 48.48, 51.84,
                 51.96, 54.12, 55.56, 67.80, 68.64, 68.64, 68.88, 84.12,
                 93.12, 98.64, 105.12, 105.84, 127.92, 128.04, 173.40)
crplot(dataset = ballbearing, distn = "weibull", alpha = 0.05)

## repeat this plot using the elliptic-oriented point distribution heuristic
crplot(dataset = ballbearing, distn = "weibull", alpha = 0.05,
       heuristic = 0, ellipse_n = 80)

## combine the two heuristics, compensating any elliptic-oriented point verticies whose apparent
## angles > 6 degrees with additional points, and expand the plot area to include the origin
crplot(dataset = ballbearing, distn = "weibull", alpha = 0.05,
       maxdeg = 6, ellipse_n = 80, origin = TRUE)

## next use the inverse Gaussian distribution and show no plot points
crplot(dataset = ballbearing, distn = "invgauss", alpha = 0.05,
       pts = FALSE)

[Package conf version 1.9.1 Index]