Compare MCMC Efficiency from 'nimble' and/or Other MCMC Engines

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Documentation for package ‘compareMCMCs’ version 0.5.0

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addMetrics Manipulate metrics in one or more 'MCMCresult' object(s)
applyConversions Apply a set of parameter conversions to MCMC output
builtin_MCMCs MCMC plugins that come with the compareMCMCs package
clearMetrics Manipulate metrics in one or more 'MCMCresult' object(s)
combineMetrics Combine all metrics from a list of 'MCMCresult' objects.
compareMCMCs run a set of MCMCs for performance comparison
getMetrics Register, unregister, or access registered MCMC metric functions for use by 'compareMCMCs' or 'addMetrics'
getPageComponents Register, unregister and access page components used by 'make_MCMC_comparison_pages'
make_MCMC_comparison_pages Create html output with comparisons of MCMC results
MCMCdef_dummy MCMC plugins that come with the compareMCMCs package
MCMCdef_jags MCMC plugins that come with the compareMCMCs package
MCMCdef_stan MCMC plugins that come with the compareMCMCs package
MCMCmetric_CI95 Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_CI95low Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_CI95upp Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_efficiency Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_ESS Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_mean Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_median Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCmetric_sd Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
MCMCresult R6 class to hold MCMC samples, timing results, and metrics
metrics Built-in metrics for 'MCMCresult' objects
modifyMetrics Manipulate metrics in one or more 'MCMCresult' object(s)
pageComponents Register, unregister and access page components used by 'make_MCMC_comparison_pages'
registerMCMCengine Register an MCMC function for use by compareMCMCs
registerMetrics Register, unregister, or access registered MCMC metric functions for use by 'compareMCMCs' or 'addMetrics'
registerPageComponents Register, unregister and access page components used by 'make_MCMC_comparison_pages'
renameMCMC Rename an MCMC method throughout a list of 'MCMCresult' objects
unregisterMetric Register, unregister, or access registered MCMC metric functions for use by 'compareMCMCs' or 'addMetrics'
unregisterPageComponents Register, unregister and access page components used by 'make_MCMC_comparison_pages'