Descriptive Analysis by Groups

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Documentation for package ‘compareGroups’ version 4.8.0

Help Pages

compareGroups-package Descriptive analysis by groups
cGroupsGUI Graphical user interface based on tcltk tools
cGroupsWUI Web User Interface based on Shiny tools.
compareGroups Descriptives by groups
compareSNPs Summarise genetic data by groups.
createTable Table of descriptives by groups: bivariate table
descrTable Perform descriptives and build the bivariate table.
export2csv Exporting descriptives table to plain text (CSV) format
export2html Exporting descriptives table to HTML format
export2latex Exporting descriptives table to LaTeX format
export2latex.cbind.createTable Exporting descriptives table to LaTeX format
export2latex.createTable Exporting descriptives table to LaTeX format
export2md Exporting descriptives table to Markdown format
export2pdf Exports tables to PDF files.
export2word Exports tables to Word files.
export2xls Exporting descriptives table to Exel format (.xlsx or .xls)
getResults Easily retrieve summary data as R-objects (matrices and vectors).
missingTable Table of missingness counts by groups.
padjustCompareGroups Update p values according multiple comparisons
plot.compareGroups Descriptives by groups
plot.createTable Table of descriptives by groups: bivariate table
print.compareGroups Descriptives by groups
print.compareSNPs Summarise genetic data by groups.
print.createTable Table of descriptives by groups: bivariate table
print.summary.compareGroups Descriptives by groups
print.summary.createTable Table of descriptives by groups: bivariate table
printTable 'Nice' table format.
radiograph Lists the values in the data set.
regicor REGICOR cross-sectional data
report Report of descriptive tables and plots.
SNPs SNPs in a case-control study
strataTable Stratify descriptive table in stratas.
summary.compareGroups Descriptives by groups
summary.createTable Table of descriptives by groups: bivariate table
update.compareGroups Descriptives by groups
varinfo Variable names and labels extraction
varinfo.compareGroups Variable names and labels extraction
varinfo.createTable Variable names and labels extraction