Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data

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Documentation for package ‘colorSpec’ version 1.5-0

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colorSpec-package Package colorSpec - Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data

-- A --

A.1nm Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
ABC Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
ACES.RGB Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
actinometric convert a colorSpec object to be actinometric
actinometric.colorSpec convert a colorSpec object to be actinometric
Adobe.RGB Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
applyspec apply a function to each spectrum in a colorSpec object
applyspec.colorSpec apply a function to each spectrum in a colorSpec object
as.colorSpec constructing and testing colorSpec Objects
as.colorSpec.default constructing and testing colorSpec Objects Convert a colorSpec Object to a data.frame
as.matrix.colorSpec Extract the Core Data of a colorSpec Object
atmosphere2003 Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial
atmosTransmittance atmospheric transmittance along a horizontal path

-- B --

B.5nm Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
bandMaterial Compute Band-based Material Spectra, and Bands for Existing Material Spectra
bandRepresentation Compute Band-based Material Spectra, and Bands for Existing Material Spectra
bandRepresentation.colorSpec Compute Band-based Material Spectra, and Bands for Existing Material Spectra
bind Combine colorSpec Objects
bind.colorSpec Combine colorSpec Objects
BT.709.RGB Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB

-- C --

C.5nm Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
calibrate make a linear modification to a colorSpec responder
calibrate.colorSpec make a linear modification to a colorSpec responder
canonicalOptimalColors compute the Canonical Optimal Colors
canonicalOptimalColors.colorSpec compute the Canonical Optimal Colors
chop chop spectra into low and high parts
chop.colorSpec chop spectra into low and high parts
colorSpec constructing and testing colorSpec Objects
computeADL compute ADL coordinates by ray tracing
computeADL.colorSpec compute ADL coordinates by ray tracing
computeCCT Compute Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) of Light Spectra
computeCCT.colorSpec Compute Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) of Light Spectra
computeCRI Compute Color Rendering Index (CRI) of Light Spectra
computeCRI.colorSpec Compute Color Rendering Index (CRI) of Light Spectra
computeSSI Compute the Spectrum Similarity Index of light spectra
computeSSI.colorSpec Compute the Spectrum Similarity Index of light spectra
convolvewith Convolve each spectrum in a colorSpec object with a kernel
convolvewith.colorSpec Convolve each spectrum in a colorSpec object with a kernel
coredata Extract the Core Data of a colorSpec Object
coredata.colorSpec Extract the Core Data of a colorSpec Object
cs.options Functions to set and retrieve colorSpec package options

-- D --

D50 Standard Illuminant D50 (1964)
D50.5nm Standard Illuminant D50 (1964)
D65 Standard Illuminant D65 (1964)
D65.1nm Standard Illuminant D65 (1964)
D65.5nm Standard Illuminant D65 (1964)
daylight Standard Daylight Components
daylight1964 Standard Daylight Components
daylight2013 Standard Daylight Components
daylightSpectra compute standard light spectra
DisplayRGBfromLinearRGB Compute Display RGB from Linear RGB

-- E --

emulate modify a colorSpec responder to emulate (approximate) another responder
emulate.colorSpec modify a colorSpec responder to emulate (approximate) another responder
erythemalSpectrum compute standard light responsivity spectra
extradata extradata of a colorSpec object
extradata.colorSpec extradata of a colorSpec object
extradata<- extradata of a colorSpec object
extradata<-.colorSpec extradata of a colorSpec object

-- F --

F96T12 Photon Irradiance of F96T12 Fluorescent Bulb
Flea2 Flea2 Camera FL2-14S3C from Point Grey
Flea2.RGB Flea2 Camera FL2-14S3C from Point Grey
Fluorescents Standard series F Illuminants F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, and F12
Fs.5nm Standard series F Illuminants F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, and F12

-- H --

HigherPasserines Cone Fundamentals for the Higher Passerines
Hoya standard Hoya filters

-- I --

illuminantE compute standard light spectra
interpolate interpolate spectra
interpolate.colorSpec interpolate spectra
invert estimate spectra from responses, effectively inverting the operator from spectrum to response
invert.colorSpec estimate spectra from responses, effectively inverting the operator from spectrum to response
is.actinometric convert a colorSpec object to be actinometric
is.actinometric.colorSpec convert a colorSpec object to be actinometric
is.colorSpec constructing and testing colorSpec Objects
is.radiometric convert a colorSpec object from actinometric to radiometric
is.radiometric.colorSpec convert a colorSpec object from actinometric to radiometric
is.regular wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
is.regular.colorSpec wavelength vector of a colorSpec object

-- L --

lensAbsorbance compute standard material spectra
lightResponsivitySpectra compute standard light responsivity spectra
lightSpectra compute standard light spectra
linearize linearize a colorSpec object - to make it ready for colorimetric calculations
linearize.colorSpec linearize a colorSpec object - to make it ready for colorimetric calculations
lms1971 Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (1971)
lms1971.5nm Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (1971)
lms2000 Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (2000)
lms2000.1nm Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (2000)
logging Logging in colorSpec package
luminsivity Luminous Efficiency Functions (photopic and scotopic)
luminsivity.1nm Luminous Efficiency Functions (photopic and scotopic)

-- M --

materialSpectra compute standard material spectra
mean calculate mean of multiple spectra
mean.colorSpec calculate mean of multiple spectra
metadata metadata of a colorSpec object
metadata.colorSpec metadata of a colorSpec object
metadata<- metadata of a colorSpec object
metadata<-.colorSpec metadata of a colorSpec object
multiply multiply a colorSpec object by scalar, vector, or matrix
multiply.colorSpec multiply a colorSpec object by scalar, vector, or matrix

-- N --

neutralMaterial compute standard material spectra
normalize multiply a colorSpec object by scalar, vector, or matrix
normalize.colorSpec multiply a colorSpec object by scalar, vector, or matrix
numSpectra specnames of a colorSpec object
numSpectra.colorSpec specnames of a colorSpec object
numWavelengths wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
numWavelengths.colorSpec wavelength vector of a colorSpec object

-- O --

officialXYZ Query the Official XYZ values for Standard Illuminants
organization organization of a colorSpec object
organization.colorSpec organization of a colorSpec object
organization<- organization of a colorSpec object
organization<-.colorSpec organization of a colorSpec object

-- P --

photometric convert illuminant spectra to photometric units
photometric.colorSpec convert illuminant spectra to photometric units
planckSpectra compute standard light spectra
plot.colorSpec plot spectra
plotOptimals2D Plot Optimal Colors
plotOptimals2D.colorSpec Plot Optimal Colors
plotOptimals3D Plot Optimal Colors
plotOptimals3D.colorSpec Plot Optimal Colors
print.colorSpec Convert colorSpec object to readable text
probeOptimalColors compute optimal colors by ray tracing
probeOptimalColors.colorSpec compute optimal colors by ray tracing
product Compute the product of colorSpec objects
product.colorSpec Compute the product of colorSpec objects
ptransform make a linear transformation to a colorSpec responder
ptransform.colorSpec make a linear transformation to a colorSpec responder

-- Q --

quantity quantity of a colorSpec object
quantity.colorSpec quantity of a colorSpec object
quantity<- quantity of a colorSpec object
quantity<-.colorSpec quantity of a colorSpec object

-- R --

radiometric convert a colorSpec object from actinometric to radiometric
radiometric.colorSpec convert a colorSpec object from actinometric to radiometric
readAllSpectra read colorSpec objects from files
readCGATS read tables from files in ANSI/CGATS.17 format
readSpectra read colorSpec objects from files
readSpectraCGATS read colorSpec objects from files
readSpectraControl read colorSpec objects from files
readSpectraSpreadsheet read colorSpec objects from files
readSpectraXYY read colorSpec objects from files
readSpectrumScope read colorSpec objects from files
rectangularMaterial compute standard material spectra
resample resample a colorSpec Object to new wavelengths
resample.colorSpec resample a colorSpec Object to new wavelengths
responsivityMetrics Compute Metrics for a Light Responder (e.g. a camera) or a Material Responder (e.g. a scanner)
responsivityMetrics.colorSpec Compute Metrics for a Light Responder (e.g. a camera) or a Material Responder (e.g. a scanner)
RGBfromXYZ Convert from XYZ to some standard RGB spaces

-- S --

scanner.ACES standard RGB scanners
sectionOptimalColors compute sections of an optimal color surface by hyperplanes
sectionOptimalColors.colorSpec compute sections of an optimal color surface by hyperplanes
solar.irradiance Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial
specnames specnames of a colorSpec object
specnames.colorSpec specnames of a colorSpec object
specnames<- specnames of a colorSpec object
specnames<-.colorSpec specnames of a colorSpec object
step.wl wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
step.wl.colorSpec wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
subset extract a subset of a colorSpec Object
subset.colorSpec extract a subset of a colorSpec Object
summary.colorSpec Convert colorSpec object to readable text

-- T --

theoreticalRGB Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
type quantity of a colorSpec object
type.colorSpec quantity of a colorSpec object

-- W --

wavelength wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
wavelength.colorSpec wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
wavelength<- wavelength vector of a colorSpec object
wavelength<-.colorSpec wavelength vector of a colorSpec object

-- X --

xyz1931 CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree (1931)
xyz1931.1nm CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree (1931)
xyz1931.5nm CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree (1931)
xyz1964 CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree (1964)
xyz1964.1nm CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree (1964)
xyz1964.5nm CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree (1964)