aa_coi_PHMM | Amino acid profile hidden Markov model for coi5p. |
censored_translation | Censored Translation of a DNA string. |
coi5p | Build a coi5p object from a DNA sequence string. |
coi5p_pipe | Run the entire coi5p pipeline for an input sequence. |
coil | 'coil': evaluation of COI-5P barcode data |
example_barcode_data | Example barcode data. |
example_nt_string | Example coi5p DNA sequence string |
flatten_coi5p | Flatten a list of coi5p output objects into a dataframe. |
frame | Take a coi5p sequence and place it in reading frame. |
frame.coi5p | Take a coi5p sequence and place it in reading frame. |
indel_check | Check if a coi5p sequence likely contains an error. |
indel_check.coi5p | Check if a coi5p sequence likely contains an error. |
nt_coi_PHMM | Nucleotide profile hidden Markov model for coi5p. |
subsetPHMM | Subset an existing PHMM. |
translate | Translate a coi5p sequence. |
translate.coi5p | Translate a coi5p sequence. |
trans_df | Data frame containing the translation table recommendation. |
which_trans_table | Determine the translation table to use for a given taxonomic group. |