Analysis of Coarsely Observed Data

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Documentation for package ‘coarseDataTools’ version 0.6-6

Help Pages An S4 Class that stores a fitted coarse data object An S4 Class that stores a fitted coarse data object An S4 Class that stores a MCMC fit coarse data object An S4 Class that stores a MCMC fit coarse data object
dgammaOff1 Function that calculates dgamma with a offset of 1 (i.e., 1 is equivalent to 0) censored survival data Fits the distribution to the passed-in data using MCMC as implemented in MCMCpack.
EMforCFR A function to estimate the relative case fatality ratio when reporting rates are time-varying and deaths are lagged because of survival time. Exposure window lengths from an influenza outbreak at a NYC school Coarse incubation period data for influenza A Simulate incubation period analyses with coarse data
get.obs.type Tries to guess the observation types (SIC, DIC, or exact).
logLik Get the log-likelihood value of a '' or '' object
logLik-method Get the log-likelihood value of a '' or '' object
loglikhd Negative log likelihood for a dataset of interval-censored data, given a distribution and its parameters.
mcmc.erlang Does a metropolis hastings for the Erlang distribution
mcmcpack.ll posterior log likelihood function to pass to MCMCpack sampler
nycH1N1 Incubation period data from New York City Public Schools, 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak
pgammaOff1 Function that calculates pgamma with a offset of 1 (i.e., 1 is equivalent to 0)
precision.simulation Simulate incubation period analyses with coarse data
precision.simulation.coarse Simulate incubation period analyses with coarse data
precision.simulation.exact Simulate incubation period analyses with coarse data
simulated.outbreak.deaths Simulated case and death reports from a fictional outbreak