Tools for CM SAF NetCDF Data

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Documentation for package ‘cmsafops’ version 1.4.0

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cmsafops-package cmsafops: A package for analyzing and manipulating CM SAF NetCDF formatted data.

-- A --

acsaf_box_mergetime Function to combine ACSAF NetCDF files and simultaneously cut a region.
add Add the fields of two input NetCDF files.
addc Add a constant to a dataset.
add_grid_info Add grid info

-- B --

box_mergetime Function to combine NetCDF files and simultaneously cut a region (and level).

-- C --

calc_allDatesNc Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
calc_overlapping_time Routine to calculate overlapping time periods in two files.
calc_timestepNc Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
cat Concatenate datasets of several NetCDF input files.
change_att Change attributes of a NetCDF variable.
check.coordinate.system Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
cmsaf.abs Determine absolute values
cmsaf.add Add the fields of two input NetCDF files.
cmsaf.addc Add a constant to a dataset.
cmsaf.adjust.two.files Routine to adjust the time dimensions and coordinates in two files. Concatenate datasets of several NetCDF input files.
cmsaf.detrend Linear detrending of time series
cmsaf.div Divide the fields of two input NetCDF files.
cmsaf.divc Divide data by a constant. Apply Mann-Kendall trend test.
cmsaf.mul Multiply the fields of two input NetCDF files.
cmsaf.mulc Multiply data with a constant.
cmsaf.regres Estimate regression parameter
cmsaf.stats Calculates the rmse, mae, bias, correlation in grid space of two NetCDF files. Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox. Calculates the rmse, mae, bias, correlation over time of a NetCDF file and a dataframe (station data). Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
cmsaf.sub Subtract the fields of two input NetCDF files.
cmsaf.sub.rel Subtract the fields of two input NetCDF files (relative). Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
cmsaf.subc Subtract a constant from a dataset.
cmsaf.transform.coordinate.system Transform the coordinate system to -180 to 180 longitude of an infile
cmsafops cmsafops: A package for analyzing and manipulating CM SAF NetCDF formatted data.

-- D --

dayavg Determine daily averages
daymax Determine daily maxima
daymean Determine daily means
daymin Determine daily minima
daypctl Determine daily percentiles
dayrange This function determines the diurnal range.
daysd Determine daily standard deviations
daysum Determine daily sums
dayvar Determine daily variances
div Divide the fields of two input NetCDF files.
divc Divide data by a constant.
divdpm Divide by days per month.

-- E --

extract.level Extract levels from 4-dimensional NetCDF files.
extract.period Remove a time period.

-- F --

fldcor Determine correlations in grid space.
fldcovar Determine covariances in grid space.
fldmax Determine the spatial maximum
fldmean Determine the spatial mean
fldmin Determine the spatial minimum.
fldrange Determine the spatial range
fldsd Determine the spatial standard deviation
fldsum Determine the spatial sum

-- G --

get_basename Determine the basename of a NetCDF file
get_date_time Get dates and times from NetCDF type date format.
get_dimensions Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
get_nc_version Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
get_processing_time_string Get processing time string
get_time Convert time steps to POSIXct.
get_time_info Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
gridboxmax Determine maxima of selected grid boxes
gridboxmean Determine means of selected grid boxes
gridboxmin Determine minima of selected grid boxes
gridboxrange Determine ranges of selected grid boxes
gridboxsd Determine standard deviations of selected grid boxes
gridboxsum Determine sums of selected grid boxes
gridboxvar Determine variances of selected grid boxes

-- H --

hourmean Determine hourly means
hoursum Determine hourly sums

-- L --

levbox_mergetime Function to combine NetCDF files and simultaneously cut a region and level.

-- M --

map_regular Grid interpolation.
mermean Determine meridional means
mon.anomaly Determine monthly anomalies
mon.anomaly.climatology Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
monavg Determine monthly averages
mondaymean Determine mean monthly daily variations
monmax Determine monthly maxima.
monmean Determine monthly means
monmin Determine monthly minima
monpctl Determine monthly percentiles
monsd Determine monthly standard deviations
monsum Determine monthly sums
monvar Determine monthly variance
mon_num_above Number of timesteps per month above a threshold.
mon_num_below Number of timesteps per month below a threshold.
mon_num_equal Number of timesteps per month equal a threshold.
mul Multiply the fields of two input NetCDF files.
mulc Multiply data with a constant.
muldpm Multiply by days per month.
multimonmean Determine multi-monthly means
multimonsum Determine multi-monthly sums

-- N --

ncinfo Get information about the content of a NetCDF file.
num_above Number of timesteps above a threshold.
num_below Number of timesteps below a threshold.
num_equal Number of timesteps equal a threshold.

-- R --

read_file Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.
read_ncvar Read NetCDF variable.
remap Grid interpolation.
runmax Determine running maxima
runmean Determine running means
runmin Determine running minima
runrange Determine running range
runsd Determine running standard deviation
runsum Determine running sums

-- S --

seas.anomaly Determine seasonal anomalies.
seasmean Determine seasonal means
seassd Determine seasonal standard deviations
seassum Determine seasonal sums
seasvar Determine seasonal variances
sellonlatbox Select a region by longitude and latitude.
selmon Extract a list of months.
selperiod Extract a list of dates.
selpoint Extract data at a given point.
selpoint.multi Extract data at multiple points.
seltime Extract specific timestep.
selyear Extract a list of years.
sub Subtract the fields of two input NetCDF files.
subc Subtract a constant from a dataset.

-- T --

timavg Determine all-time average.
timcor Determine correlations over time.
timcovar Determine covariances over time.
timcumsum Accumulate data of NetCDF file.
timmax Determine all-time maxima.
timmean Determine all-time mean.
timmin Determine all-time minima.
timpctl Determine percentile over all timesteps.
timsd Determine all-time standard deviations.
timselmean Determine time selection means
timselsum Determine time selection sums
timsum Determine all-time sum.
trend Determine linear trends.
trend_advanced Determine multiple linear trends.

-- W --

wfldmean Determine the weighted spatial mean.

-- Y --

ydaymax Determine multi-year daily maxima
ydaymean Determine multi-year daily means.
ydaymin Determine multi-year daily minima
ydayrange Determine multi-year daily range
ydaysd Determine multi-year daily standard deviations
ydaysum Determine multi-year daily sums
ydrunmean Determine multi-year daily running means.
ydrunsd Determine multi-year daily running standard deviations
ydrunsum Determine multi-year daily running sums
year.anomaly Determine annual anomalies.
yearmax Determine annual maxima
yearmean Determine annual means
yearmin Determine annual minima
yearrange Determine annual range
yearsd Determine annual standard deviation
yearsum Determine annual sums
yearvar Determine annual variance
ymonmax Determine multi-year monthly maxima.
ymonmean Determine multi-year monthly means.
ymonmedian Determine multi-year monthly medians.
ymonmin Determine multi-year monthly minima.
ymonsd Determine multi-year monthly standard deviations.
ymonsum Determine multi-year monthly sums.
yseasmax Determine multi-year seasonal maxima.
yseasmean Determine multi-year seasonal means.
yseasmin Determine multi-year seasonal minima.
yseassd Determine multi-year seasonal standard deviations.

-- Z --

zonmean Determine zonal means
zonsum Determine zonal sums