preProcess_ransacLevel {cmcR} | R Documentation |
Finds plane of breechface marks using the RANSAC method
Finds plane of breechface marks using the RANSAC method
ransacInlierThresh = 1e-06,
ransacFinalSelectThresh = 2e-05,
iters = 300,
returnResiduals = TRUE
x3p |
an x3p object containing a surface matrix |
ransacInlierThresh |
threshold to declare an observed value close to the fitted plane an "inlier". A smaller value will yield a more stable estimate. |
ransacFinalSelectThresh |
once the RANSAC plane is fitted based on the ransacInlierThresh, this argument dictates which observations are selected as the final breech face estimate. |
iters |
number of candidate planes to fit (higher value yields more stable breech face estimate) |
returnResiduals |
dictates whether the difference between the estimated breech face and fitted plane are returned (residuals) or if the estimates breech face is simply shifted down by its mean value |
an x3p object containing the leveled surface matrix.
Given input depths (in microns), find best-fitting plane using RANSAC. This should be the plane that the breechface marks are on. Adapted from cartridges3D::findPlaneRansac function. This a modified version of the findPlaneRansac function available in the cartridges3D package on GitHub.
The preProcess_ransacLevel function will throw an error if the final plane estimate is rank-deficient (which is relatively unlikely, but theoretically possible). Re-run the function (possibly setting a different seed) if this occurs.
See Also
## Not run:
nbtrd_link <- ""
fadul1.1_link <- "DownloadMeasurement/2d9cc51f-6f66-40a0-973a-a9292dbee36d"
fadul1.1 <- x3ptools::read_x3p(paste0(nbtrd_link,fadul1.1_link))
fadul1.1_ransacLeveled <- fadul1.1 %>%
preProcess_crop(region = "exterior",
radiusOffset = -30) %>%
preProcess_crop(region = "interior",
radiusOffset = 200) %>%
preProcess_removeTrend(statistic = "quantile",
tau = .5,
method = "fn")
x3pListPlot(list("Original" = fadul1.1,
"RANSAC Leveled" = fadul1.1_ransacLeveled),type = "list")
## End(Not run)