cmcPlot | Plot Congruent Matching Cells results for a pair of cartridge cases. |
comparison_alignedTargetCell | Extract a matrix from the target region of the same dimension as the reference cell depending on the estimated translation calculated from comparison_fft_ccf |
comparison_allTogether | Performs all steps in the cell-based comparison procedure. |
comparison_calcPropMissing | Calculate the proportion of missing values in a breech face scan |
comparison_cellDivision | Split a reference scan into a grid of cells |
comparison_cor | Calculates correlation between a cell and a matrix of the same dimensions extracted from the cell's associated region. |
comparison_fft_ccf | Estimate translation alignment between a cell/region pair based on the Cross-Correlation Theorem. |
comparison_getTargetRegions | Extract regions from a target scan based on associated cells in reference scan |
comparison_replaceMissing | Replace missing values in a scan |
comparison_standardizeHeights | Standardize height values of a scan by centering/scaling by desired statistics and replacing missing values |
decision_CMC | Applies the decision rules of the original method of Song (2013) or the High CMC method of Tong et al. (2015) |
decision_combineDirections | Combine data frames containing CMC results from 2 comparison directions |
decision_highCMC_cmcThetaDistrib | Compute CMC-theta distribution for a set of comparison features |
decision_highCMC_identifyHighCMCThetas | Classify theta values in CMC-theta distribution as having "High" or "Low" CMC candidate counts |
fadul1.1_processed | Processed versions of the fadul1.1_raw and fadul1.2_raw datasets using preProcess_* functions from the cmcR package |
fadul1.2_processed | Processed versions of the fadul1.1_raw and fadul1.2_raw datasets using preProcess_* functions from the cmcR package |
fadulData_processed | Processed versions of the fadul1.1_raw and fadul1.2_raw datasets using preProcess_* functions from the cmcR package |
preProcess_crop | Remove observations from the exterior of interior of a breech face scan |
preProcess_erode | Erode the interior or exterior of a cartridge case surface |
preProcess_gaussFilter | Performs a low, high, or bandpass Gaussian filter on a surface matrix with a particular cut-off wavelength. |
preProcess_ransacLevel | Finds plane of breechface marks using the RANSAC method |
preProcess_removeFPCircle | Given a surface matrix, estimates and filters any pixels within the estimated firing pin impression circle |
preProcess_removeTrend | Level a breech face impression surface matrix by a conditional statistic |
x3pListPlot | Plot a list of x3ps |