clugen {clugenr}R Documentation

Generate multidimensional clusters


This is the main function of clugenr, and possibly the only function most users will need.


  allow_empty = FALSE,
  cluster_offset = NA,
  proj_dist_fn = "norm",
  point_dist_fn = "n-1",
  clusizes_fn = clusizes,
  clucenters_fn = clucenters,
  llengths_fn = llengths,
  angle_deltas_fn = angle_deltas,
  seed = NA



Number of dimensions.


Number of clusters to generate.


Total number of points to generate.


Average direction of the cluster-supporting lines. Can be a vector of length num_dims (same direction for all clusters) or a matrix of size num_clusters x num_dims (one direction per cluster).


Angle dispersion of cluster-supporting lines (radians).


Average cluster separation in each dimension (vector of length num_dims).


Average length of cluster-supporting lines.


Length dispersion of cluster-supporting lines.


Cluster lateral dispersion, i.e., dispersion of points from their projection on the cluster-supporting line.


Allow empty clusters? FALSE by default.


Offset to add to all cluster centers (vector of length num_dims). By default there will be no offset.


Distribution of point projections along cluster-supporting lines, with three possible values:

  • "norm" (default): Distribute point projections along lines using a normal distribution (\(\mu=\) line_center, \(\sigma=\) llength/6 ).

  • "unif": Distribute points uniformly along the line.

  • User-defined function, which accepts two parameters, line length (double) and number of points (integer), and returns a vector containing the distance of each point projection to the center of the line. For example, the "norm" option roughly corresponds to function(l, n) stats::rnorm(n, sd = l / 6).


Controls how the final points are created from their projections on the cluster-supporting lines, with three possible values:

  • "n-1" (default): Final points are placed on a hyperplane orthogonal to the cluster-supporting line, centered at each point's projection, using the normal distribution (\(\mu=0\), \(\sigma=\) lateral_disp ). This is done by the clupoints_n_1 function.

  • "n": Final points are placed around their projection on the cluster-supporting line using the normal distribution (\(\mu=0\), \(\sigma=\) lateral_disp ). This is done by the clupoints_n function.

  • User-defined function: The user can specify a custom point placement strategy by passing a function with the same signature as clupoints_n_1 and clupoints_n.


Distribution of cluster sizes. By default, cluster sizes are determined by the clusizes function, which uses the normal distribution (\(\mu=\) num_points/num_clusters, \(\sigma=\mu/3\)), and assures that the final cluster sizes add up to num_points. This parameter allows the user to specify a custom function for this purpose, which must follow clusizes signature. Note that custom functions are not required to strictly obey the num_points parameter. Alternatively, the user can specify a vector of cluster sizes directly.


Distribution of cluster centers. By default, cluster centers are determined by the clucenters function, which uses the uniform distribution, and takes into account the num_clusters and cluster_sep parameters for generating well-distributed cluster centers. This parameter allows the user to specify a custom function for this purpose, which must follow clucenters signature. Alternatively, the user can specify a matrix of size num_clusters x num_dims with the exact cluster centers.


Distribution of line lengths. By default, the lengths of cluster-supporting lines are determined by the llengths function, which uses the folded normal distribution (\(\mu=\) llength, \(\sigma=\) llength_disp ). This parameter allows the user to specify a custom function for this purpose, which must follow llengths signature. Alternatively, the user can specify a vector of line lengths directly.


Distribution of line angle differences with respect to direction. By default, the angles between the main direction of each cluster and the final directions of their cluster-supporting lines are determined by the angle_deltas function, which uses the wrapped normal distribution (\(\mu=0\), \(\sigma=\) angle_disp ) with support in the interval \(\left[-\pi/2,\pi/2\right]\). This parameter allows the user to specify a custom function for this purpose, which must follow angle_deltas signature. Alternatively, the user can specify a vector of angle deltas directly.


An integer used to initialize the PRNG, allowing for reproducible results. If specified, seed is simply passed to set.seed.


If a custom function was given in the clusizes_fn parameter, it is possible that num_points may have a different value than what was specified in the num_points parameter.

The terms "average" and "dispersion" refer to measures of central tendency and statistical dispersion, respectively. Their exact meaning depends on the optional arguments.


A named list with the following elements:


This function is stochastic. For reproducibility set a PRNG seed with set.seed.


# 2D example
x <- clugen(2, 5, 1000, c(1, 3), 0.5, c(10, 10), 8, 1.5, 2)
graphics::plot(x$points, col = x$clusters, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", asp = 1)
# 3D example
x <- clugen(3, 5, 1000, c(2, 3, 4), 0.5, c(15, 13, 14), 7, 1, 2)

[Package clugenr version 1.0.3 Index]