Multidimensional Cluster Generation Using Support Lines

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Documentation for package ‘clugenr’ version 1.0.3

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angle_btw Angle between two n-dimensional vectors.
angle_deltas Get angles between average cluster direction and cluster-supporting lines
clucenters Determine cluster centers using the uniform distribution
clugen Generate multidimensional clusters
clumerge Merges the fields (specified in 'fields') of two or more data sets
clupoints_n Create points from their projections on a cluster-supporting line
clupoints_n_1 Create points from their projections on a cluster-supporting line
clupoints_n_1_template Create points from their projections on a cluster-supporting line
clusizes Determine cluster sizes, i.e., the number of points in each cluster
fix_empty Certify that, given enough points, no clusters are left empty
fix_num_points Certify that array values add up to a specific total
llengths Determine length of cluster-supporting lines
points_on_line Determine coordinates of points on a line
rand_ortho_vector Get a random unit vector orthogonal to 'u'.
rand_unit_vector Get a random unit vector with 'num_dims' components.
rand_vector_at_angle Get a random unit vector at a given angle with another vector.