dataADaMCDISCP01 {clinUtils} | R Documentation |
Example of ADaM datasets from the CDISC original Pilot 01 study
This contains a subset of the CDISC Pilot 01 study dataset for:
a selected subset of subjects
a selected subset of domains:
subject-level ('adsl')
adverse event ('adae')
laboratory chemistry data('adlbc')
vital signs ('advs')
concomitant medications ('adcm')
ADAS-COG Data ('adqsadas'), containing one of the primary endpoint: ADAS-Cog (11)
(Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale - Cognitive SubscaleCIBIC+ questionnaire data ('adqscibc'), containing one of the primary endpoint: CIBIC+
(Video-referenced Clinician's Interview-based Impression of Change)NPI-X Item data ('adqsnpix'), containing the secondary endpoint: NPI-X
(Mean Revised Neuropsychiatric Inventory)
pharmacokinetic parameters ('adpp')
Please note that this dataset contains different sets of subjects than the other example datasets.
This dataset was created following the ADaM Version 2.0 standard. This dataset contains the 'Modified and augmented version of cdiscpilot01' dataset.
List of data.frames containing the ADaM
dataset for each selected domain.
Labels for the different variables across datasets
is available via the labelVars
Laure Cougnaud
Original (and entire) datasets are available in:
See in particular the define.xml file
for further description of the
datasets and variables name.